31. Thunderbolt

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Rudrayani's point of view

"No. You are not going back to that filthy man. You are going to stay with us. Am I clear? "

I was stunned to hear such a growl from a manly voice. I stopped in my tracks. I dared not to turn around as I could sense someone had came to stand right behind me.

"Are you listening to me? You are not going anywhere."

His voice was so commanding and authorative. That I had no option But to turn around to see who he was....

And I saw, raksha's brother stood in front of me. He looked beyond mad. He was looking so so furious that I gulped down. I really get intimidated by him.

And I looked up his face. His face was having angry expressions but i was welcomed by the green oceanic eyes. This contradiction made me scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. But I kept staring at his perfect flawless face.

Yesterday I got an opportunity to have a look at his face. And then my memories hit me.... I remembered, the way his expressions softened when he looked at me and the way he wrapped me in his warm hug.

I felt my cheeks getting heated. I was blushing and gawking at the most handsome man infront of me.

I mentally cursed myself for the shameless ogling I was doing. I quickly cleared my throat and gathered my words. But only thing I could do is stammer in front of such a perfect human being.

"Ummm.. tth..thanks for the help yesterday. But please...n..nnnow..umm.....now I would like to take your leave. "

There .. I thanked the host. Formality is completed... Now I am on my way... but it was difficult to face such an intimidating personality...

I sighed in relief and turned to leave. But I felt i was being picked up.

A surprised squeak left my throat. Raksha's brother actually lifted me in his arms. I scrunched my eyebrows and by now I am sure my eyes have went wide open in shock.

But that didn't affect him. He effortlessly carried me back. Now I was beyond scared I started thrashing in his arms.

I urged him to leave me.
"Please leave me... why would you lift me... Leave me.. let me go"

I called out for help as i saw raksha there. But she also didn't try and stop him. What's happening with me exactly.  God help me... now i was scared for my life.....

I soon as he brought me back to the previous room , he placed me on the bed.

He said,
"Now. Listen to me very carefully. You are never returning to that kidnapper. Do you understand that ? I will kill that balwant with my bare hands if he ever comes near you."

Now this made me so angry. He may be a handsome man but he can't disrespect my pa. A wave of anger washed through me.

His aura was screaming power but I still somehow dared to glare at him with whatever little power I had left in me. But he didn't budge.

I stood up to him daringly, against his towering height compared to my small figure. My anger was boiling inside me.

"Mind you language mister. You are talking about my pa. How dare you call my father any kidnapper.

You better say sorry for disrespecting my father.

Just apologize for your words. That's it.  I will be on my way....

And who are you to stop me here.. I could say that the real kidnapper here..   is you mister. And not my pa... so Just back off..or... otherwise..yeah....Otherwise I will have to go to police."

He scoffed and I could see his jaw clenched with fury.

I could see that raksha and her brother belong to a rich and influential royal family.

Pa had always told me to stay away from such spoiled rich brats. He always told me to be away from especially royal people. He was right these influential royal people are really dead scary.

I better avoid messing with them. But I was also hell angry. That arrogant boy actually insulted my pa. How can I let it go. I am so enraged now... So now...I don't care about the consequences of messing up with such rich people.

He looked up to my face and smiled with pinched lips as if contemplating something in his mind. And he broke the silence with a velvety whisper in my ear.

"Don't challenge me princess ....
or else you will regret. "

Again that deepest voice sent chills down my spine. My eyes widened and I gasped at his sudden proximity.

I pushed him away from me. That made him step back. And he stopped for a while. I tried to run away from him. But soon he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to his chest.

Why is he not letting me go. I yelled in  my fury. This boy really managed to enrage me ....

"Enough. Stop it right now. How dare you touch me...  I will really complain against you. You here are bad mouthing my pa being a kidnapper and you yourself are behaving as one. "

I thought I just saw a sparkle of admiration in his eyes and a small smile on his lips as he heard me yelling at him finally.

But I continued my ranting and I further said,
" I was trying to keep a decent communication. But I guess you are a pervert like that boy from yesterday....  so just leave me alone. "

I gasped for air as I was holding my breath till I end my sentence.

These words from me, made him more angry. I could sense his anger as his hold on my wrist just got tighter.

But he just smirked at me and said,

"Princess,  don't you think you are a bit too early to judge my character. Hmm?."

This made me scrunch my eyebrows. I frowned and I tried to break through his hold.

I had enough of this non sense now. I want to go back to my home. I just couldn't take this anymore.
I yelled at him to my top most voice ,
"Let me go back to my pa."

And after that...a reply that came from him punched my breaths away from my chest. I felt as If I was struck with lightning... a thunderbolt

He said,

"Balwant is not your father. And nor your name is ishqi."


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