5. Ranvijay is Pro

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Ranvijay's point of view

Today my Morning came with so many exciting things unlike the rest of the days. Raghu kaka made me ready with the uniform. I came down in dining area for breakfast. Maasa has already set my plate. And Rakshu was drinking her milk. After I finish my breakfast I bowed down to my parents as per the morning ritual. And was ready to go to school. Raghu kaka picked my bag up and went to take car out. Then Rakshu started, " dada I am also coming with you.. I also want to meet ruchranini...!" I laughed. My sweet Rakshu couldn't pronounce Rudra's name. Taking maasa's permission I took Rakshu with me. 

We reached the school gate. Now we are waiting for Rudra. But she is not here yet. She won't forget that we have to meet at the school gate, will she? The thought that she already might have went inside class without me made me sad. My thought bubble was broken when Rakshu yelled, " hi ruchranini!" There I saw Rudra, running toward us. I smiled. She was here. After talking to Rakshu she turned to me saying, " let's go now! ". I silently followed her to our class. She was telling about the classes pending for today. We reached class. Everyone was ready with horse riding dress. 

Suddenly she stopped in her way and asked me worried, "Ranvijay, you didn't forget your horse riding shoes and sword at home, did you?" I reassured her smiling, " ya Rudra.. I have brought my shoes and here is my sword." I showed her my sword. She took a minute or two keenly observing my sword taking it in her hand. I was hoping, she likes my sword. "Its so cool Ranvijay. And it's the heavy one. Everyone here uses some what light ones!" I felt proud at her exclamation. I explained her, " actually in my private schooling in our palace, my tutor was always keen that I use the best sword to make me perfect. And therefore I guess my sword is a bit heavy." Again that v shaped frown appeared in between her eyebrows. She was focusing on the sword of mine that she was holding right now.

"That means you already know fencing and sword fighting? " Rudra asked her doubt.
"Yes. You can say so." I replied smiling.
My answer made her satisfied. She asked, "will you teach me how to be perfect in sword fighting like you?" I nodded.

Soon teacher arrived in class, and we went to the horse field. She told us to stay together and away from the horses. And When teacher was away from field to bring some more assistants to help us with the horses and ride the horses, some of the classmates came near me.
I immediately remembered them, they were the ones who didn't liked me yesterday. Rudra was staring at them angrily. One of them pushed me on ground and said, "so you think, without going to any school, you can come in the middle of the semester and join us? You think it's that easy, you fool." And they started laughing. Rudra yelled at them, "hey Santosh, he had his private schooling in his home. And he is very clever. He will surely prove that he is best amongst all of you." I looked at Rudra. She was looking so angry. 

That guy Santosh got pissed off. He challenged me, " if this is what truth is, prove it to us.. just because you are from a popular riyasat and family doesn't make you best. This Rudrayani thinks her loser friend can do horse riding and other stuff better than us.. such a stupid girl you are Rudrayani. Moron Rudrayani! " I was there listening to his challenge. That was fine. But what made me angry is that he teased my bestie. He shouldn't have called my bestie moron. Now I have to show him what I can do. 

I silently went to the horse stable and took a black horse out. And I climbed on the horse without any hindrance. With a little nudge from me and my horse started moving. All my classmates were in awe. Rudra was smiling. I gave a slight nudge on the reins of the horse and he picked up the pace. I completed the round on field and came back where we were standing initially. I saw teacher were back. I halted my horse and I jumped down from horse. I looked at Santosh, he was smirking thinking teacher will now yell at me. 

But to his surprise teacher and all the assistants were very much happy with my performance.
"You really are very good , no wait you actually are perfect in horse riding Ranvijay. Keep it up.." . And this made me happy that my teacher a re satisfied with my performance. But Rudra was more happy than me. And Santosh was now really angry. This horse riding class went smooth after this little turbulence caused by our classmates.

In the lunch break I decided to ask Rudra about our classmates. But before I could ask her she herself started telling me, " you know Ranvijay, this guy Santosh, he is very bad. He always picks up fight with me. And because of him and his group no one is friends with me. But you became my friend. And you're really best of all our classmates. So wanted to tease you by challenging you. But he didn't knew that you were this good in this challenge. Now he himself got teased by others for losing the challenge to you."
Now I get to know why Rudra is all alone in class and why she doesn't smile at anyone. I am her only friend. But no worries, I am there for her. Then we again talked about the horses and her paintings.

After the recess the fencing and sword fighting class started. I was busy with Rudra practicing my fencing. I could say she was not very good in this fencing but she sure has the swiftness needed in fighting with sword. I could see that guy Santosh and his group were struggling with the the stance and holding sword correct way. That made me laugh at them. 

Yes I was still angry with those guys. Their face ashened. They were really beyond angry. After the class ended, we had our school day completed. We were now leaving for our homes. Rudra and I were moving out of the class and walking towards the school gate together. Rudra was a step or two behind me. And I was trying to overtake her. But there Santosh yelled at me, "hey you, stop there!" And I turned around and saw him throw his sword at me. But Rudra stood between me and that sword coming towards me. And a small cry from Rudra made me realize that sword had hit her. 

I came to her. I saw her back was bleeding. I couldn't see properly as the unshed angry tears were crowding in my eyes. I was so so angry at those people and specifically Santosh. But before I could do anything I saw Rudra dropping down on the ground before me. I quickly went to her side. And looked toward the gate, and saw Raghu kaka and babasa running towards us. We took Rudra with us to our car. She was crying so much. I was all the time with her. I really feel so like crying seeing my bestie crying. Babasa called Ratan Raval sa, Rudra's babasa informing all this incident and telling him that Rudra is with us.

We reached palace. Babasa had already informed maasa to call a doctor. Doctor treaded Rudra's wound. And prescribed medicines. A servant was sent to get the medicines. And Rudra's maasa and babasa came hurriedly in our palace. They both hugged Rudra lovingly. And I stepped back. After a while they seemed a bit relaxed. And Rudra had also slept. Then Rudra's maasa came to me and coming to my level, she caressed my face lovingly and said, "thank you very much Kawar sa, for helping my princess. " I bowed down infront of Rudra's maasa saying, "its ok maharani sa. That was my duty as Rudra's best friend. "
"Its aunty Komal for you my prince." I looked up to her finding her smiling at me. And now Rudra's babasa also joined aunty Komal and told me, " And I am uncle Ratan for you my brave Yuvraj ". I nodded respectfully. And looked up to my parents. They were still standing near Rudra. 

Both my and Rudra's parents went to the study area to talk something. I think they are going to complain against that boy. I stayed back with Rudra, waiting for her to wake up.

So the picture above, you can imagine him as Ranvijay. What you guys think is Ranvijay really best? Do let me know...

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