Chapter IX: Simma Hemm

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The distant sun's glow began to wane as the Saturnian moon pirouetted, what awaited the accouns that gathered around and within The Groznyi Hellmouth was darkness. As the light of the sun began to grow weak as the minutes passed, standing a top a hill of stone was a khanfasa and their occuli stared into the vastness above. Her body was, albeit dented and scratched, bore no grievous wounds and in her hand and with its stock against their arm was Unseog 4000mm grenade launcher; the grenades slept in each of their holdings. The khanfasa would turn around and her  occuli would fall upon the very thing that birthed them: Accoun Mater Eomma. The rain of drop pods continued, sending more accoun into the hellmouth's maw for the purpose of reclamation. The very idea of made them scoff, anyone with a brain could see that Eomma will never past this place, she thought. Yet, here I am playing the role of a lieutenant and following orders of Eomma hoping that this will at least reduce the bloodshed for a little. Her occuli turned, as far as she could see where the corpses of both Federation and UW accouns. I fear that after all this time, instead of moving forward, I've only moved in a circle.

A careless step, the snap of ice and metal rang out through the area and the khanfasa would promptly turn around. Her stance remained calm as her occuli fell upon an unlikely entourage of three: a grey spinne accoun; a accoun of amberish color and of United Worlds design, whose body had limb that carried a narrow spike that jutted from its bulbous head; and an escorpio accoun. Her thoughts, even if they trouble her at this present moment would have to be brushed aside for the time being until both the mercenary and bandit left. "Funny to see you three together," ZINA spoke, commenting on the group's composition. "Well," The spinne started, "we have business with the boss that runs this joint, figured we should all take a walk together. Ain't that right, QADR, Khemia?" While QADR would provide not comment or a response in any action, an amicable chuckle escaped the komar as she responded. "That's right. Twilight's coming near and we don't got much time on either of our hands." She added, her voice smooth and bore a laxity unfit for the environment they were all in. Her tone was authentic and friendly, and her speech still carried emotion to it unlike the flat monotone display both ZINA and QADR would place.  "We certainly all certainly had the same idea, JOHN. Since you and ZINA have the most pressing matters, why don't you start first?"  "Alright, alright," JOHN would start, "since it's almost night, would you so kindly provide me and my cohort—ESME and JOSE—with a place to hide and refuel us once daybreak comes around." "Sure," ZINA replied forthwith. "We will make space for you and the rest of the borrowed units." "Still not miffed about the changes with the deal?" JOHN would question, surprised with ZINA's stoicism. "I am not, we're helping each other." The sooner the hellmouth lays quiet, the sooner the tunnels are sealed and the blood ceases to spill, I will feed Groznyi it's last meal: your corpses. "Hm, if you say so. I'll be heading to the usual spot then." JOHN turned around and departed, leaving ZINA with Khemia and QADR. The khanfasa's occuli swerved, her gaze falling upon the komar accoun and a question would be uttered: "What did your team see while you were there?"
"The mad miners from the lower levels are making their way to the upper levels, some of the freshly landed accouns you want so badly are being turned or being butchered by them—United Worlds' accouns included." Khemia would start. "They're even starting to use tactics like ambushes and using heavy and slow units as distractions while the mobile ones rush in." She would add as ZINA laid silent. Khemia continued, "Following our route, the bodies we've encountered all appear to be cut apart—some where bisected and others were meticulously slashed to uniform pieces." "...Do you suspect GWAR is responsible?" The khanfasa would ask with hesitantly, still maintaining the her lack of outward expression. "Doubt it. I'm a survivor after all, and that axe of theirs isn't something you can be...deliberate with." "I see, you may go." ZINA dismissed Khemia. "Bye." The Komar accoun too, would depart from the scene, leaving ZINA with QADR. The two were silent, unspeaking yet wanting to hear what the other had to say as their occuli gazed into the others. The silence would soon be broken with an admission...

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