Chapter VII: Die Entartete Kunst Ausstellung, Part 3

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With the path paved with blasted and torn metals, HUAN made a mad dash towards opening amongst the congregation; the thrusters upon his back belched azure flame, this boosted HUAN's speed as he stepped on the ravaged remains of followers of the entity of the hellmouth. The blast from the plegarya's nail brought XIAO to his senses, he knew that he could not remain here for long. The mission was in jeopardy, he was in jeopardy. Following  hisafter HUAN, the zhàměng too ran towards the newly made path, self-preservation demanding that he should focus on running above all else as he clutched the MRSA  There were no attempts made by the congregation to halt the two of them, by the time their own hearts had broke free from their jails, the accouns that stood around them were dead—they were the shades as their hearts coalesced...

It wouldn't be long until the both of them would eventually flee from the congregation and XIAO caught up to his brother-in-arms, who was slowing down now that the initial threat was no longer near them. As XIAO drew nearer to HUAN, he turned around and from the square maw of the uppermost limb came a sonar pike. It stabbed into the grey expanse of the ground and without a pause released a pulse. The zhàměng then redirected his attention back to the khanfasa and spoke as he walked, "We're taking the same path back?" "HellifIknow." He replied, his words tumbling over each other.  "Wer gonna go to whatever path getsus th'hell outta here." HUAN added. "Right." 
Before the duo could continue their attempt to leave the grove, something would demand their attention: a distress signal under the khanfasa accoun VERA, designation 5694. The location was one-hundred-and-ninety-four meters from the group and was drawing nearer. "This is khanfasa accoun VERA, designation 5694 of Láng Squad. I'm wounded and I am running low on reserve power. My team was ambushed by a UW squad and I'm all that's left. Requesting aid!"
"Don't even'ink 'bout, ZHOU." "XIAO," the zhàměng promptly corrected the khanfasa. "We're going to find NURA and have them join us." "Fuck that!" HUAN shouted in reply, "Wer damaged and yer missin' an arm! We should 'elp ourselves." "I came to you despite my wounds and my arm," XIAO retorted sternly. "Without me you would be—" HUAN forthwith drove the fist of his left directly into XIAO's occuli, the blow was light and restrained yet still carried the tidings of pain that such blows bring; the one-armed zhàměng would step back as a slight agony bit upon his nerves. "I didn'give yah th'right to be so conceited!" HUAN shot back, his words were sharper than XIAO's hooked arm-blade. "If it wasn'for me you would be dead, unnastand?" XIAO gave no response. "I said do you unnastand?" HUAN barked, his words hungered for a form of answer and the zhàměng would deliver. "I will not be complicit in the death of a solider, HUAN." Huh?" "I will not be complicit in the death of solider." XIAO repeated. "We are out numbered, and have no means of defending ourselves properly,' he continued on, "We have nothing to lose if we rescue VERA." "She's runnin' fo'ah reason," HUAN spoke, now in a more calmer manner as he relaxed if only slightly. "Who is to say tha'ah couple of unies 'rn't tailin' 'er?" "Who is to say that is happening at all?" XIAO countered with another question. "Whatever, all I am saying is that it—"

Something else would call out, demand for their attention: a distress signal belonging to an accoun of the United Worlds, a Spinne accoun. It would not be to far from NURA's signal. It was two-hundred-and-thirty-five meters away...
  "This is Spinne Accoun JACK, designation 3539. Multiple hostiles have me and my squad cornered, we are running out of ammo and the miners won't stop swarming us! Requesting backup, I repeat, requesting backup!"
Another distress signal would come, the sender was three-hundred-and-four meters away and belonged to a UW mineral transport accoun—a Mantide by the name of CLIO, designation 4942. They were four-hundred-and-sixty-eight meters away.  "This is Mantide accoun CLIO, designation 4942. My joints are damaged—I can't move. I have major mineral load, I need repairs!"
       Another signal would come, and another, and another, and another. All of which were from different accouns and from both sides of the war. "Oh shit." HUAN muttered, the burden of realization weighing on him and the waters of apprehension washed over him. XIAO, in the other hand, was filled with a morbid curiosity for he knew that there was something terrible at play and yet he wished to see it with his own occuli. He wished to see it in every detail.

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