Is she die?

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(Jimin came his house and a pair of hand wrapped around his waist he smiled and hugged her tightly)

??: I'm missing you Jiminahh *snuggled in his neck*

Jimin: *chuckled* aish you're 25 and acting like 8 years old kid

??: I'm baby for you *clinged on his arm* I miss you *kissed his cheeks*

Jimin: I miss you more Ainee

Ainee: promise

Jimin: promise let me show you how much I missed you

( He Leaned towards her to kiss her she closed her eyes but her eyes shoot open when she heard someone's crying she immediately pushed Jimin and ran towards her room and Jimin was standing there dumbfounded and pouted sadly)

Jimin: that brat but it's been time to hold her *he smiled and went behind Ainee*

(If you're confused so Ainee was Jimin's girlfriend and if you're confused who is crying then let's see who is crying...)


Ainee: aww my baby is crying what happened *picked up a little baby in her arms* why are you crying see who came to meet you...

Jimin: *entered in room* you little brat *took her in his arms* why are you crying do you miss me...

Ainee: are you done now give her to me I will change her pamper

Jimin: oh that's why you're crying but you know you ruin our moments *pouted*

(But the little baby giggles)

Ainee: *laughed* see she don't like your pervert ass now go and take shower I'm coming

Jimin: hm *peck her cheeks and left*

Ainee: hm so let's go Baby


Jimin: ahhh I really missed your hands made food

Ainee: *smiled*

Jimin: is she sleeping??

Ainee: yeah she is sleeping now

Jimin: she hasn't come yet

Ainee: *sighed sadly* she always comes late she really works hard to forget everything Jimin

Jimin: ta-

(His word get cut by door bell ring)

Ainee: ahh I think she came *heard crying sounds* she found out that she has come *chuckled*

Jimin: hm let's give her surprise *excited*

Ainee: *chuckled* okay

(Then Ainee went to Open the door and Jimin went to bring little baby)

(She opened the door and the person hugged her tightly)

Ainee: tired

??: Hm alot *broke the hug* did Taemal bother you

Ainee: *chuckled* you always ask same question

??: And your answer are also same no

(She came with her and that person plopped on couch)

??: Today is tiring day tho *huffed*

Ainee: I have surprised for you

??: For me ?

ℋ𝑒𝓇 𝒪𝒷𝓈𝑒𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃 ✅Where stories live. Discover now