Chapter 5: Combat class and teaching (Revised)

Start from the beginning

Weiss: ...

Jaune: Not to mention on your ability to get along and cooperate with your team and others.

Weiss: That's not true.

Jaune: You act all high and mighty, thinking you are right or the best. I've seen how you treat RWBY not to mention the... old me. And how you act about White Fang, yes, they are terrorists, but not everyone is one, they could be forced or see the world in a new different view but can change like how Ms. Belladonna explained.

Jaune: Now then, onto my next lesson. Tactical Awareness. 

Timeskip. 30 Minutes

Gaz: The Captain be really laying it into these kids.

Soap: Aye, never saw him disrespect or teach some a lesson that bad.

Roach: They must've that been that bad of people

Ghost: Which part? The Leadership or Tactical Awareness? Because he giving them a hard time in both.

Gaz: Tactical Awareness, he called Soap's girlfriend (Soap: HEY!) a reckless brute who kill anyone for just disrespecting her.

Roach: Now I can't even imagine the CQC part of this class.

Ghost: You're telling me.

Glynda: I must admit, the Captain really is stricter the I am.

Ghost: That's how he operates, he tries to put out the best in people.

Jaune: Alright, we only have time for one CQC session, so who wants to fight me for the last few minutes of my class?

RWB_ only expected 1 person.

Yang: I do sir!

Jaune: Alright then, head down to the arena and we shall start.


Jaune: Ready?

Yang: Yes sir!

Jaune: Then let's start!

As both rush to each other Jaune ran up to Yang and jumped giving her a knee right in the gut causing her to reel back and to then try and punch Jaune only for him to perform a flying armbar.

Yang: Agh!

Jaune then rushes to at Yang giving her an elbow to the stomach while grabbing her arm and pulling her in again to perform a Judo flip.

Jaune then rushes to at Yang giving her an elbow to the stomach while grabbing her arm and pulling her in again to perform a Judo flip

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Yang: Ow.

Jaune backs up and lets Yang get up.

In the stands.

Weiss: Why is he letting her get up?

Soap: He's trying to see if she's learning her lesson.

Blake: Lesson?

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