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In an abandoned building, the gang NightWing, was watching their leader pace back and forth, boring holes in the floor as scowl plasters on her face. She growls, flipping a chair over in anger, "that bitch!!" She screams, "if only i can get rid of her, then i can make my move while mikey is weak and vulnerable. It'll be so easy taking her fucking place as his girlfriend!" She grins sinisterly.

One of her men steps forward, ready to do anything for his boss, "what would you like us to do, boss?" He asks, the others nod their head, waiting for orders.

sango thinks for a minute, wondering what to do when a plan comes in her hand, "i got an idea..." she begins to tell her gang members what they need to do. This time, she was sure it will work.

She remembers when she first met mikey. It was a six months ago. She was passing by on the street and heard a fight going on. This was when her gang was gaining recognition. Anyways, her eyes caught a flash of blonde hair and she couldn't help but be drawn to him. He was cool, amazing, hot, and just a badass fighter.

She deems him as a perfect fit for her. They were similar to each other; both lead a gang, can fight, ride motorcycles. She even had his men stalk him and what she found out shocked her. He had a girlfriend and she did not like it. She's been planning their perfect future and now some skank comes along and tries to steal him away!? No can do.

This is where her plan comes in. She brought an alliance to toman in hopes of getting close to mikey. She made sure to be there at every hang out even if she does despise the other members. She had her men inform her when mikey and (y/n) were on a date so she can 'coincidentally' bump into him and take his attention away from his girlfriend.

Unfortunately, she knows the other toman boys did not like her and was seeing what she was doing. She needs to be more careful. As for now, she has to get rid of (y/n) first and distract mikey so all his attention is on her.


The sounds of vomiting was heard as (y/n) practically heaves her guts out in the toilet bowl. izana held her hair back, confused and worried for his sister. These past weeks she's been feeling rather odd; sudden craves for food, peeing all the time, nausea. She wondered if it was food poisoning, she did eat at a restaurant with her brother and his friends not to long ago.

The tanned male had a inkling...he narrows his orchid eyes, thinking of the reason why his sister is feeling so ill and the answer came to him in no time. He growls menacingly, face twisting in a scowl, "I'm going to kill that shrimp."

Once the (h/c)-ette freshens up, she is led to the couch by her brother, who moves to the corner and instantly calls kakucho to buy some pregnancy tests and bring it. He hangs up, running a hand through his hair frantically. This was not supposed to happen. His sister is supposed to finish her third year of middle school and go on to high school and complete her education and become a successful woman. In no way, did he want (y/n) to become a mother at such a age!

Not that he would hate the child, he will certainly love the babe but now he has to kill mikey for impregnating his sister. Bastard.

(y/n) was confused when kakucho arrives at the luxurious apartment with a plastic bag in hand. He glances at her worriedly before murmuring to izana as he gives the items to his friend, taking his leave.

"go to the bathroom and take this with you." Izana demands softly, handing her the bag as he leads her to the bathroom and shuts the door quickly as he waits outside, "trust me." He told her on the opposite side.

(y/n) kept silent as she ruffles through the bag, taking out three boxes. She read them carefully and widened her eyes in shock, fear, and confusion. Pregnancy test? She was about to question her brother but recalled how he said to trust him. She gulps, opening the boxes one by one, reading the instructions and then following it.

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