Chapter 10 - Library Venture

Start from the beginning

As I walked around, I saw a few students dotted here and there, either getting in some studying before class or just being natural early birds.
As someone who usually enjoyed their sleep, I had never really seen the castle at such an hour.
As I reached Central Hall, I looked down the staircase to see groups entering the library, which seemed like the only logical place to go so early where you wouldn't be disturbed.
And so, I decided to go too.

As I entered the library, I was almost shocked to see how many people were there.
With everything going on, it seemed so peculiar to me that people were so caught up in their studies.
I really was a terrible student.
Thank Merlin for my 'aptitude for magic'.

As I walked along the bookcases, I decided it would probably benefit me to actually sit down and read one.
However, all I could really focus on was all this business with Isidora.
Maybe there was something about old Professors?
Although there likely wasn't, given how Sebastian definitely would've mentioned it by now.

"Fancy seeing you here this early"
I turned my head towards the voice, wondering if whoever said it was talking to me.
Sure enough, I saw an overenthusiastic Garreth waving in my direction.
He was sitting at a table by himself, multiple books spread all over the table.

I made my way over, quickly taking a seat as he smiled at me.
"Hello, Garreth" I greeted, making myself comfortable.
"Here to do a little extra reading?" he asked, leaning back in his chair, taking no interest in the book laid in front of him.
"Sort of. I'll be honest, you are the last person I expected to see here. You're usually off annoying Professor Sharp." I laughed, to which he rolled his eyes.
"Unfortunately he didn't take kindly to me letting myself in his classroom a bit early this morning to get a head start. Said that I needed to spend more time with the theory than the practical. So he sent me here, gave me all these books, and now I'm not allowed to leave until Scribner decides she's done with me." he groaned, laying his head on the table.
I laughed at his reaction.

"He might not be wrong. Surely there's something you find interesting in at least one of these books?" asked, pulling one closer to me to get a better look.
"Yes, but I'm not trying to recreate something that's already been done. I want to make something new. Something that'll make people say 'wow', you know?" he seemed to brighten up as he talked about this, making me smile at the simple but inspiring determination.
"I think a lot of your concoctions already make a lot of people say that, Garreth" I teased, earning a glare from him.
"Laugh all you want, but one day, it'll be my name on one of these books when someone writes about Weasley's amazing potions." he said triumphantly.
"You won't write it yourself?" I questioned, which earned a scoff from him.
"I'll be too busy. Maybe I'd get someone like Amit to do it?" he seemed to be genuinely questioning it, looking down as he thought about who was worthy of writing him memoirs.
"I'm sure he'd be thrilled..." I laughed sarcastically, picturing Amit's reaction.

He seemed to look up, realising how ahead of himself he was getting, looking in front of me.
"Do you not have something to read?" he asked, pointing at the now empty space as I had moved his book back to its original place.
"I was struggling to think of something actually. I was going to have a look around before you called me over" I explained, which caused Garreth to form a puzzled look.
"Well what is it you're looking to study?" he questioned.
I pondered for a moment.
There were so many different things I could think of.
Runes, Professor's, curses, magic repositories, a general idea of ancient magic.
Or maybe...

"The Hogwarts House Relics" I said in an overly determined voice, which seemed to take Garreth aback.
"Someone's enthusiastic about history" he commented, earning a sheepish grin from me.
He seemed to think for a moment, clearly trying to recall anything he knew about the matter.
And to my surprise, a look of realisation seemed to flash across his face.
He quickly got up and sped towards the other end of the library, my eyes following him the whole way, wondering what he could possibly be doing.

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