Part 4 Thar be EVIL present....

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{Rq, y'all. Writer fun fact -
This chapter storyline is based off of an old fic I wrote when I first got into FNF years ago (early 2021) and I had not become infatuated with Whitty and Ruv yet at the time.
(I think it was before MFM even came out....) I used to be into Bf and Pico. It was a short story I wrote on my private notepad which was lost when I switched phones. For this chapter, I decided to spice it up by replacing those outdated characters with
mah bebe bois!}

(Sorry for the long ass story. Just thought it was interesting. Now time to get into the REAL long ass story.)

Ruv's pov -

We stood on the porch. By Whitty's behavior, it didn't seem like my previous suspicion was correct. He was looking through the cracks in the door and trying to see into the dusty old windows. This was obviously not his house.
I sigh with relief.

He tries the rusted handle and it opens with one swift push. The inside of the house was fairly empty aside from a few pieces of furniture and decorations. It looked like a traditional American farmers house, but with a 2000's grandma aesthetic feel.

I walk in and he shuts the door. It starts with a big living room/den area. At the end, we could see a big kitchen that only divided the floors between the den and kitchen with a long wooden counter.

Ruv - What.....are we doing here?

Whitty - I don't know....I was called here.

Our stomachs complain a bit as we hadn't eaten anything all day.

Whitty - Huh. Maybe that's why.

Ruv - But....this is obviously an abandoned house.....if there's any food..... it's......not very favorable, I'll tell you that.

Whitty - No...wait....I have a weird feeling about this....just trust me like you promised me you would.

I shrug as he walks into the kitchen. I stay behind the counter and watch as he hesitantly opens the fridge.....a light comes on inside.... there's working power. Along with the food....which was....

Ruv - Uuuummmmmm......are you sure this place is abandoned?......

Whitty - Positive.

Starving, we stop questioning everything and begin eating all we could handle. This went on for a fair few hours until we collapsed on the floor. In that moment, I felt content being next to him. I felt like this was a very nice bonding moment.... maybe...... he's a good guy after all....

Eh.....I don't care, honestly......
I just want to sleep......

We both drift off. On the hard ass floor, I don't know how or why, we just needed to recharge our brains just for a little bit at least.

(1AM -)

I awake to hear.....a scratching sound.....very faint, but very prominent. I couldn't tell where it was coming from. I sit up. Next to me, Whitty is fast asleep.

Huh..... he's..... honestly.......kinda-

WHAT!? NAW. I didn't say that.....
Must've been the wind or something.

I shake my head as the scratching seems louder.... almost like it was underneath us, but still off in the distance. I quietly stand up and walk out into the hallway which was connected to the kitchen. It was dark, but the hallway was narrow enough for me to see. I opened every door. Bedroom, extra room, closet, bathroom, another bedroom.....until I came to a dead end. The only door that was left was right next to me. It was a pale crimson coloured door. It stood intimidating as it was very out of the ordinary from the other parts of the house. Touching it, it was metal. Why was there a red metal door in a house like this?......

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