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Alright! For those who already know me from my other stories, and even my art, you may proceed onto the fic as this will be all old news to you.

K. So my versions of big bomb boi, and lil Oreo man is vastly different from what you maybe accustomed to. Most importantly, it is to note that Ruv is short and chubby while Whitty while also chubby, is very tall with prominent legs. The heck if I know, or care about actual size numbers.

Since I draw them a lot, here.

Hey, 2023 update, all this art you see is old-ish. I started writing this book a while ago.

 I started writing this book a while ago

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(I personally love this one

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(I personally love this one.....💖)

Whitty's personality can be unpredictable at times. When angry, he's incredibly dangerous, and can't control what he's doing. Accidentally harming the ones he loves. He doesn't usually calm down until after exploding, but by then...... it's usually too late. He can be a bit too possessive, and controlling at times, but again, that's just something he can't control, and means no harm by. Other than that, he's a lovable cuddly gentle giant that will do anything in his power to keep the special people in his life safe.
(He's known as Mama Whitty because he has the biggest mothering instinct.)

Now, Ruv. Ooooohh boi. Ruv. This grumpy ill tempered introvert HATES almost everything. He usually DESPISES any type of affection except from only the most special people in his life.....which isn't many as he pushes everyone away from him. Very stubborn, and refuses to do anything unless he said so himself. He'll never admit it, but he's the biggest coward around. Always prepared to run from danger rather than confront it unless he's forced to.

That being said, their interactions are so fun to write about, and I hope y'all enjoy this weird lil fic about these two fictional guys that mean everything to me. :3

[August 23 2022]

Misunderstood (A Whitty and Ruv fic)Where stories live. Discover now