Ch 13: Drowning

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In the end, they had decided to cut the first day of teachings short. Tsireya had noticed that they were struggling and weren't making much progress as they all only got more frustrated.

But nonetheless Ayatney was great full.

Though she wasn't as active as the others in adapting to the reef, she was still angry at herself. Getting over a fear took time but the girl was impatient, always searching for ways to better herself faster.

It was something that always stuck in her mentality. The better she was, the more she was trust worthy.

Ayatney had gone exploring a bit with Tuk, taking a break to sit on the sand as the little Na'vi searched for any shells and rocks that she found interesting on the shore.

Thinking about training made her think about how everyone was already trying to adapt.

Kiri was already able to hold her breath for a long period of time, Lo'ak got a hang of riding an ilu, Tuk making bonds with their teachers (specifically Tsireya), and Neteyam making friendly conversation with any other villagers who were willing to talk to him.

Of course, Jake and Neytiri were doing their best as well. Him learning trying to learn how to ride a tsurak and her receiving personal training from the Tsahík.

They all had their strengths in this environment and apparently Ayatney didn't.

Too busy in her own mind, Neteyam had invited himself to sit besides the girl. Both watching as Tuk tossed another shell into her small pouch.

"So..." He was unsure on how to start the conversation. Ayatney had been quiet ever since their lessons had ended and Neteyam didn't take too lightly on that.

"Do you want to talk?"

Resting his elbows on his knees, he leaned forward a bit. Catching a glimpse of her face, he noticed how Ayatney's expression grew tight-lipped.

"What is there to talk about Neteyam?"

Ayatney played with her song cord that wrapped around her chest, incorporated into her top. There was a light wind that was warm, making any stray baby hairs flutter around her features.

"We can start with what those skxawngs said." He continued to gaze at her softly, his eyes dancing around her hardened features.

It was a sensitive topic, no one had known what had happened. Ayatney never told anyone, not even her parents.

"Why?" Ayatney questioned, "So you can make fun of me too?" She snapped at him, staring at him with accusing eyes.

Neteyam backed off a bit, putting a small amount of space between them.

"No!" He exclaimed. "I genuinely want to know..." Her eyes softened before becoming haunted, as if she were reliving a horrible memory.

Ayatney turned her head back towards Tuk, who was still searching for shells.

Was she able to believe him? Someone who was a part of her bad childhood memories? Someone who she eventually had let into her chaotic and hard life?

She supposed so.

Neteyam poked at the sand with his toes, wiggling them to get any sand out from between. He sat patiently, waiting for her to say something— anything.

"It was the day after I had gotten in trouble with you, your brother and that sky boy."

A little Ayatney sat in front her mother, a wet cloth coming to dab gently at the blood on her brow.

"I had received a scolding from my mother and father... they had said some hurtful things..."

"Ow!" Ayatney swat away the rag, hand coming up to cover the cut from her mothers rough hand.

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