Ch 12: The Way of Water

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The horizon glowed a blend of bright orange and dark blues, it was proof showing that eclipse was near. The people were going along with their daily lives, fishing on the shores and walking along the beach together.

Lo'ak stood next to Ayatney, watching as Tsireya walked away after informing them of dinner.

It had been a long day, arriving in Awa'atlu, being picked apart and then accepted. Ayatney was truly exhausted.

"Okay Sully's, all in!" Jake called.

Though she wasn't technically a Sully, she supposed anything to do with that name was going to be a part of her anyways.

She sat down down on the pod floor next to Neytiri, watching as Kiri reluctantly made her way to sit down next to Ayatney.

"Remember? Family meeting."

Neteyam dragged Lo'ak by the arm, pushing him down by the shoulders to sit before squatting right next to him.

"Kiri." Neytiri lightly chastised, annoyance showing upon her face as her oldest daughter finally sat down. "What?" Kiri responded.

With the exhaustion from the flight and being on edge has made everyone annoyed with one another. Too tired to rationally think.

"Okay." Jake looked at all of their faces, taking notice at their bothered and blank faces. "I need you kids on your best behavior." No one made an attempt to acknowledge his words, only watching Jake.

"Learn fast, pull your weight. Don't cause any trouble." Looking at Lo'ak, Jake spoke as if this warning was for his youngest son. Which it was.

"Got it?"

When he didn't respond, Neteyam playfully pinched the back of his brothers neck, only to get a sneer in return. His attempt to lighten the mood had failed.

"These rules applies to you too Ayatney." Jake reminded her. The girl scoffed softly, pulling her knees closer to her chest, drawing circles on the woven floor. Neytiri put a hand on her knee, thumb rubbing it softly.

"Though you come from a different family, you will always be considered as one of our own."

It didn't make Ayatney feel any better. She would have preferred if they had left her in the forest. Where she wasn't reminded everyday that she would never have a family again.

"Yeah, yeah..."

That night she had retired to bed with her parents in her mind. Only to be awoken in the morning by Tuk shaking her shoulders.

"C'mon Ayatney!" She sat up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes with the ball of her palms. "They're going to leave without us!"

Tuk grabbed the girl by the wrist, using all of the tiny strength she had to bring the older girl to stand. Tuk grunted, huffing and puffing as she stopped to regain power before pulling again.

"Who is they Tuk?"


That didn't help much.

Ayatney gave in to the little Na'vi's attempt, getting up onto her two feet. She allowed Tuk to drag her out of the pod, blocking out the bright sun as it beamed down.

It felt great, such warmth hitting her dark skin as the sound of waves softly hit each other.

It would have been hypnotizing if she didn't have to hear the sound of the reef's chiefs sons voice.

"Look who is finally awake!"

Ayatney had just woken up and she didn't want to listen to this moron speak. If Tuk still wasn't holding her hand, she would have gone back into the pod and back to bed. Why were they all standing outside, she had no clue.

I WANNA BE SAVED, neteyam Where stories live. Discover now