42 | [shannon dragomir]

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Was this what Father meant by me being special?

"Did you tell her?" Clara Jane practically yelled, a crazed look taking over her. "Did you tell her, Shannon, because that would be incredibly stupid even for you!"

Tears suddenly leaked down my cheeks at her hurtful words. Everyone thought I was a dumb blonde, but it never mattered to me. But it was coming from Clara Jane this time.

I whispered in disbelief, "How could you say that to me, Clara?"

Realization filled her emerald eyes and she tried to reach out in apology. I flinched away and she sighed. "I'm sorry, Shannon. It's just- that bitch tried to blackmail me."

"What?" This time, anger filled my stomach. "Ella? Are you sure? She's our best friend. She wouldn't do that...would she?"

"She wanted me to force you to vote for her for being a blue blood," Clara Jane grimaced. "Otherwise, she'll leak a video of us..."

Anger practically blinded me. "I'm telling Avery-"

"No," Clara Jane snapped, grabbing me in a way that almost hurt. "You cannot tell another soul."

"But Avery-"

"Your brother is a schemer, Shannon!" Clara Jane yelled, gluing me to the spot with her tone. "He'll ruin us either way."

I fell silent, biting my lips. "Fine. I'll vote for her."

The silence that fell between us was awful. What else could I do? This was the only option.

"She'll have that on us forever," Clara Jane murmured, staring at the wall in hatred. "She'll hold it over our heads forever, Shannon."

"She could have just asked me," I whispered, wiping away the tears and hysteria. "I would have said yes if she asked me just now."

"But would you have a few months ago?" Clara Jane pointed out.

"No," I admitted. "No I wouldn't. But she grew on me."

"Me too," Clara Jane mumbled. I could read the anger in her eyes but also the envy. I've known for a long time that she has wanted to be a blue blood. Everyone did. "I wish I never let her anywhere near me. I should have seen the desperation that she reeks."

"I helped plan this party for her!"

That night, I avoided Ella. I knew she knew Clara Jane had told me. What she did not know was that I kept an eye on her. Long enough to see her follow my brother upstairs. The sight brought rage to me and I stumbled through the partying crowd to stop her from corrupting my brother.

Curiously, though, my brother led her into a room. My brother would be the last person seen with Ella. Why the hell did he let her take him upstairs?

I pressed my ear to the door and listened.

"Did you come to embarrass yourself a third time?" Avery murmured and my spine snapped straight.

She had already tried blackmailing him twice?

"You know," Ella said lightly, "I realized how foolish I've been."

"Didn't I tell you that I hated liars? You're lying to me right now."

"You're right," Ella giggled, and I strained to listen harder. "You know, I've managed to blackmail every single one of you."

From Avery's response, he didn't seem surprised, even though it made my stomach fall to the ground. She played all of us. "Everyone but me."

"Ah, but that's because I went in blindly without knowing what your weakness is," Ella muttered. "You care about her, don't you?"

"Who?" Avery sounded mildly amused but I've known him long enough to hear the steel in his voice. He hated people like Ella. Now it made sense why he never liked or welcomed her like we all did.

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