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Austin's sitting at the edge of the bed Madelyn's laying in. 'Hey Will.' He says as Madelyn's brother walks in.

'Beautiful flowers man.' Austin smiles at the man placing the flowers on a little table. 'How is she?' He asks as he sits on a chair next to the table.

'Doctor said she's getting better.' Austin's smile grows. 'That's amazing.' William chuckles thinking about memories.

'How are Aaron and Liam?' William asks. 'They're fine. Not realizing what's happening.' 'That's better for them I think.'

'It is.' William assures Austin. 'I just don't want to lose her.' Austin's smile fades.

'Me neither. But sometimes you can't chose what's happening.' William says. You can hear the pain on his voice.

'Emily's coming in half an hour.' He adds. Austin nods. Just then the door opens again.

'Oh hey Austin. Hello Will.' Lily and Olivia say as they walk in. Putting an Elvis teddy bear on the table next to William's flowers.

The group's talking for a while as Emily and Timothée arrive. 'Hey guys.' Timothée greets everyone. 'Hey Tim.' Wolf smiles.

'How Maddy?' He asks as he gives Lily a kiss. 'She's better. I think.' Austin looks at his fiancée.

They talk a bit about some memories and about the babies.

Austin's talking about how Aaron and Liam are without their mother. 'They don't realize what's happening with their mom. But that's better for them.'

Everyone agrees. 'And how's Valerie?' Austin asks Timothée. 'She's doing great. Now with Pauline at the beach.' The man says as he takes out his phone to show some pictures.

'She's beautiful.' Emily smiles. 'Thank you. She looks just like her mother.' Timothée looks at Lily. 'I love you Timmy.' Lily smiles grabbing his hand.

'How's Finley?' Lily asks pointing at Emily's stomach. 'He's doing amazing.' The pregnant woman answers.

'Did y'all see that.' Olivia says with a smile growing on her face. 'See what?' Austin asks. 'Mad's finger.' Olivia comes closer.

'Please Madelyn.' She whispers as a tear forms in her eye. 'Madelyn.' Austin smiles as her hand moves. 'I love you Mads.' He gives he a soft kiss as her eyes slowly open. 'I-I.' She mumbles. 'Madelyn!' He calls out giving her a hug.

'I love you.' She manages to say. 'Madelyn. Baby.' Austin's eyes are full of happy tears. 'What the fuck.' William says as he rushes over to the bed. 'Maddy!' He smiles. 'Will.' Madelyn gives him a soft smile.

Everyone is gathered at the bed happy that Madelyn's alive. 'Where are Aaron and Liam?' She asks.

'They're doing great. Ashley's babysitting them right now but I can call her to come?' He offers in which Madelyn nods. 'That would be amazing.' She smiles as a doctor comes in.

'Goodmorning. Can I friendly ask all the friends to leave Madelyn. Austin you can stay.' Everyone's disappointed, but they say goodbye and leave.

'We love you Mads.' They all say as they leave the room with the doctor. 'I'll call Ashley. Okay?' He says as he takes out his phone still sitting on the edge of the hospital bed.

'Hey Ashley. Can you come by with Aaron and Liam? Someone wants to see them.' He smiles as he hangs up. 'She'll be here any moment.

'So how are you? What are the next plans?' 'I don't know. I'm better now that I know you're alright and the boys are the only thing that made me happy these past days.'

The conversation continues as the door opens and a woman comes in with two babies in her hand.

'Liam! Aaron!' Madelyn smiles as she sees both boys. 'I've missed you.' She says as Ashley gives Liam to her and Aaron to Austin. 'Baby.' Madelyn gives Liam a kiss.

The babies are just smiling. 'Be careful with mommy.' Austin says as Aaron crawls to his mother. 'Aaron.' She whispers as both boys are hugging the woman.

'Oooh a teddy Elvis.' Madelyn looks at the table full of flowers and toys. 'Lily's idea.' Austin smiles as he hands his fiancée two teddy's. One with a white suit the other with the black leather suit. They both have the matching guitar in their hand.

'I love them.' Madelyn smiles as she places them back on the table. Cuddling with her twins as the doctor comes back in.

'Hello Madelyn.' He greets her. 'You can go back home in two weeks.' He says. 'Thank you.' Austin smiles as the doctor is getting called to go somewhere else and leaves.

~three weeks later~

'Austin! Can you help me prepare dinner?' I call out as I hear his footsteps coming closer. 'Sure honey.' He says as he gives me a kiss.

'Are the boys asleep?' I ask my soon to be husband. 'Mhm.' Austin mumbles as our lips meet again. 'I love you Trouble.' He says still with his lips on mine.

'I love you.' I answer as I turn around to the vegetables that need to be cut. 'I'll do the carrots and tomatoes if you do the courgette and onion.' I smile as Austin nods.

Taking out my phone to put on some tunes I choose Elvis. Trouble starts playing as we both sing along. Cutting the vegetables for the spaghetti.

'I'm happy you're back.' Austin suddenly tells me. I smile because of his sentence and just his company. I love him. I always will.

'Baby. I'll never let you go to the store alone.' Austin says as he stands up and puts his vegetables on another counter. 'What are you doing?' I ask as he takes the ones I was slicing and moves them aside.

I don't get an answer. Instead our lips meet. Turning into a long soft kiss. My hands move up his hair as I sit on the counter. Deepening the kiss as our tongues meet with causes me to moan softly in Austin's mouth.

While he's moving his kisses to my neck I slide my hands down to his back. It's really hard not to moan when Austin's kissing a tender spot on your neck.

~two months later~

Austin's waiting for me. Wearing a beautiful black suit as I'm waiting at the door with my dad. The song 'can't help falling in love - Elvis Presley' starts playing which is my sign to walk down the aisle with my dad.

The door opens and every single person is looking at me. I smile as tears form in my eyes seeing Austin's smile on this day is the best thing.

The boys are sitting next to Emily and William and Jenna is the flower girl. She's walking in front of me and my dad making a beautiful path of leaves from roses. Pink roses.

Lily and Timothée are sitting on the second row with their little girl Valerie, Liv and Zayn are sitting next to them. On the other side you find Austin's guests.

We didn't want the wedding to be a huge thing. Just for the close friends and family. I finally approach the altar where Austin's standing.

'You look beautiful.' He whispers as he gets a sign to read his vowel.

Love me tender.                              a.butler x m.fawkesWhere stories live. Discover now