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Hey y'all!

I have so many ideas. And I'm kinda sad that I started the romance so fast. Now I really wanted them to date in secret a little bit longer and maybe I could explain everything a bit better from the beginning. But I think I'll do like a few chapters back in time. Now and then. So that there's a bit more variety in the story. Like I want to do one where they were both at work and just how a day in their life was back than. And then one where you can see her past and what happened then.

But I really hope y'all like this story! I really do💗
Thanks for reading this! And lots will happen! I have many ideas. And give hints sometimes...

Like why is Austin going to Will his room at night. Why are they texting so often.

"can't help falling in love" will come back!

Something with the twins.

And some fights between them!

I can't wait to write this. But sometimes it takes so long for things to happen. And I don't want everything to go by so fast. So I'll make some time skips.

And I will change the POV sometimes that you can see what Austin's thinking. I did it once in like a poem style.

And maybe sometimes a day in the life of Timothée and LilyRose or Olivia and Zayn. Or Zendaya and Tom. Maybe even Emily and William!

I have so many ideas. And hope y'all will love them as much as I do!

Love 💗

Okay so in the beginning of the story Austin is 28 it's December 2019 just when they would start filming Elvis.

And then with the first gap after two years he's 30 and then in a few days he'll be 31 (his current age.)
Madelyn was 21 at the beginning she's born in November. So she would be 23 now and after November she'll be 24.

I'm sorry if I messed up some ages at the beginning and that's why I'm changing some things in the beginning!

Love me tender.                              a.butler x m.fawkesWhere stories live. Discover now