Death: Dying and killing

Start from the beginning

"What's wrong with you?" JJ asked as soon as Katherine left.

Filled with guilt, Prentiss sighed deeply. "I don't know"


A long time ago, Katherine used alcohol and sex to distract herself from her problems, travelling around the world and try to forget her bother.

But she was a changed woman. She had responsibilities, a child even. Her cat Elaine.

After being told to leave, Katherine wanted to try and do something productive. But when Roy is upset, she takes irrational desicions.

So she bought a Bechstien Grand piano, and though to herself "I can learn in a week probably". Spending 95k just 2 hours after her conflict with Prentiss.

Now this, would definitely pass her time.

But, she still had something else to do


-Knock Knock-

Katherine waited for the door to open. She was standing in front of her apartment, waiting for Emily to open her door.

Just a soon as she opened her it or even before they could say something to each other, Elaine had smelled the similar scent of her mother and had came running to find her. Katherine smiled as she bent down and picked her up.

"Hello love"

Emily knew she was talking to her cat, but she loved that she was able to hear it.

"Hi" she said

Cat in her arms, she petted her cat as she talked to her boss.

"Hey, I hope you don't mind, Reid gave me your address and I came back to come pick up my princess" she gave a kiss on Elaine's forehead. Emily had never seen Elaine so talkative and purring.

"Oh it's fine, I have a cat too, his name is Sergio"

"She usually doesn't like woman, isn't that right, Elaine?" Katherine gave a smile to her cat. Emily was in awe. She felt bad for what had happened this morning.

"Look, I'm sorry about this morning, its , .. paperwork, it's giving me a migraine. Can you forgive me?" She asked just like Katherine did last night.

But Katherine wasnt mad, that's what she wanted, being in good terms.

"Of course, anything" She said. Because she was willing to do anything to keep this peace she had found.

"That's great, And, if you want to come back I won't force you do leave for a week" She added.

"Thanks, but I think ill take it, I have some lessons I got planned"

As they just reconciled, Prentiss did not ask any questions about it. But had one last thing to ask

"Would you like to come in?"

She hoped she would accept. They would talk, get to know each other. She had seen her home, but not her.
She wanted Katherine to get to know her more, not as her boss, but in a new light. She had so many questions, about her, about her time at the CIA, why she left, what happened before, about her grave.

"Oh, that's sweet of you, but I just came here to get my stuff. Maybe another time" Katherine said as she still held Elaine in her arms.

Emily couldn't help but to be disappointed but understood.

There was a moment of silence as Emily though that Katherine was going to say her goodbyes.

"I'd like to have my ring back as well" She said as she broke the silence.

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