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a continuation to rebuild ig

also i recemtly discovered the entire decomposing cycle for a corpse

24hrs- internal organs decompose

3-4 days- body starts to bloat and released bodily fluids

10 days- the body turns from green to red cuz of no oxygen

also this one gets pretty weird because um necrophyllia (i will try to tame it down tho)


jimmy hadn't left his house since the day he killed wolf. the body of the corpse remained in his home, locked up in a freezer to preserve it. he had gone mad. shutting himself off from the outside world, cutting contact with everybody he knew. jack, his best friend, had came by his house a few times to see what was going on only to be shoved away, coldly. jimmy didn't have time to talk to anyone, he had to fix wolf.

he sat in his room from sunrise till sunset, trying to find the best was to fix wolf. he had many ideas but none of them really struck him. swapping out his human parts for metal and wires, swapping out his organs for new freash ones. he had many yet he felt as though wolf wouldn't be the same if he did any of those. he sat at his desk, banging his head into the table trying to think of something, anything to help him bring wolf back. 

the repeated clash of his head against the hard-wood soon awoke something in him. he felt a surge of power running through him, an urge that was tempting him to do something but he couldn't quite pinpoint it. the feeling had to be satisfied, growing inside of him, forcing him to go into this unknown act. getting out from his seat, jimmy left his room and went to wolf. he wasn't quite sure what he was doing but he went along with it, letting his body fullfill its desire.

opening up the freezer, his eyes locked on wolfs face. he no longer looked alive, his skin drained of its colour. yet for some reason jimmy thought he looked etheral, like being dead had increased his beauty.

jimmy leaned down, his face an inch away from wolfs. he stared at his features, taking in the beauty of the corpse. he dipped further, conecting their lips into a heated kiss. in the back of his mind he heard a voice yelling, "NO! THIS IS WRONG! STOP" yet he chose to allow his desires to lead, encouraging him to make-out with the corpse.

his tongue licked at wolfs lips, forcing entrance into wolfs mouth. wrapping his arms around him, jimmy maunueverd wolf so he could kiss him better.

he wasn't even disgusted with himself. he didn't find anything wrong with this. to lost with the pleasure he was given. he enjoyed it. he enjoyed the feeling of wolfs, cold, chapped lips against his soft, warm ones. it was a feeling of euphoria, a state of pure bliss. something he hadn't felt in a while.

pulling away, a line of saliva connecting their lips. he let his hand caress wolf face. the frown that was on it when he first met him was still there. yet jimmy thought he still looked beatiful even with his face scrunched up in a nasty scowl. 

"wake up, you have to work now" jimmy wasn't so sure why he was saying those words, but he had some hope, like wolf would actually wake up this time. and he did. jimmy stepped back in suprise as wolfs eyes fluttered open. 

wolf remained lying down even though he was fully conscience and able to move. jimmy approached him again. he wasn't quite sure what to do, does he leave him there? does he take him to the living room? he didn't know. 

"hey! can you hear me?" he shouted. wolf didn't budge, staring straight at the ceiling. jimmy continued, "hey answer me. can you hear what im saying?" this time wolf gave a response, "yes i can hear you"

jimmy was a bit confused. why had wolf only replied when he was instructed to? brushing it aside, he spoke up again, "how about we get you cleaned up" he stared at wolf, "you have been in those clothes for a while" 

wolf, again, did nothing, letting jimmy lift him. jimmy carried wolf to his his bathroom and set him down on the floor. he went out to get a change of clothes and a towel for wolf before comming back. setting the intems on the rack, jimmy turned to wolf, who hadn't moved, "hey go and take a shower then come outside"

nodding, wolf got up and began to undress. jimmy left the bathroom wanting to give the boy some privacy. taking a seat on his bed, jimmy pulled out his phone and listened as wolf turned on the shower. wolf only seemed to do something when jimmy instructed him to do so. it was a bit confusing but jimmy was going to rool with it. he thought it would be fun to have someone under his command all the time.

wolf had finished his shower and came out into the bedroom, fully dressed. jimmy looked up at him, phone still in hand. lifting his phone up, he snapped a photo of wolf, then rest it down on the bed. he stood up and approached wolf. reaching out his hands, he let them cup wolfs face then pull him into another kiss. 

he still had no clue why he craved kissing the boy so much yet he didn't question it, enjoying it was to much. 

mid-kiss he noticed something. wolf wasn't breathing. pulling back, he went to check for wolfs pulse just to be sure. he didn't feel anything nor did he feel even the slightest bit of breath. it finally struck him, wolf was still dead.

instead of feeling grossed out, jimmy instead felt aroused. a new found feeling for want made him pull wolf back into a kiss. this time he deepend it, allowing himself to explore wolfs mouth without a care. wolf just stood there taking it. jimmy was pleased with that, he was able to do whatever he wanted with wolf and have no consequences to face.

breaking away at last. jimmy took to staring right at wolf. before all of this, wolf would have swung his fist at jimmy without a second thought, but now he just let him stare without giving a reaction.

a smile graced jimmy's face. he was going to have a wonderful time with wolf.


cant even write a proper note lmaoooo

but srry for not updating (even though it was like a week or so) i got hella sick and spent half my time sleeping or reading heheh.

im back now though with uh um i cant rlly say wonderful but interesting post 

hope yall enjoyed it, i may post one more part to this cuz uh yes

also leema explain jimmys necormancy

jiimy= hits head

*necoromance powers awaken*

wolf= dead

jimmy= kiss wolf

wolf= wake up

wolf= zombie/ still dead but is alive

jimmy= master

idk why jimmy has to kiss a dead body to do this but i dont rlly care


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