shut up beach

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it wasn't everyday donald was in a good mood, but when he was, he was pretty nice. today he was taking the union to the beach. he had sent out a meesage to all of them late last night telling them to get all their stuff ready for the next day because they would be leaving early. he decided to just pick them all up as it would be way easier to keep track of them, he wasn't in the mood to continuously check in on where they were.

which leads us to now. donald was driving, kingsley in the passengers seat. he had left the others to fight up for seating in the back as it was almost full with all the beach equipment.

"lets just tape forrest down onto the roof" wolf said, a roll of duct tape already in hand as jimmy and jake dragged forrest up to the roof of the car. forrest was fighting for his life trying to break free, but the dtrong grip of the other two kept him in place. unfortunately, kingsley had crashed their plans, saying that doing that is against the law. 'since when did any of us care for the law' they all thought collectively.

jakes face lit up, "i have a brilliant idea!!!"

and thats how wolf ended up seated on jimmy's lap for the trip. wolf was pretty sour about it, but he didn't really care after five minutes simply because he fell asleep. jimmy on the other hand was extremely uncomfortable, wolfs weight had restricted most of his movements so he just had to sit in the worst position for the rest of the ride.

jake and forrest were slightly more comfortable. they were sitting next to each other instead of on each other, but they were still crammed pretty close to each other so it wasn't a big upgrade from jimmy and wolf's situation.

finally they arrived. donald and kingsley exited the car calmly, ignoring the sound of the four other boys falling out the car, with the stuff pilling on top of them. donald led them to a rather empty spot where they set up their stuff. it didn't take long until they were off to play in the water leaving donald and kingsley to relax on the sand.

"today is a nice day" kiingsley spoke


"yeah, quite nice indeed" donald replied


the sound of forrests strangled gasps mixed with wolfs maniacal laughter as he pushed forrest's head under the water resonated on the once peaceful beach. 

jake and jimmy were a lot more peaceful than the other two, just having swimming races instead of trying to commit murder. they were law abiding civilians after all.

back with donald and kingsley was very calm. they were eating some sandwiches while watching the others. it wasn't like they were going to step in or anything, they just watched for pure entertainment. they didn't care for forrests desperate screams or wolf's murderous antics nor did they give a shit about jimmy and jakes lame races. as a wise person (donald) once said, 

"not my child, not my problem"

after a few hours of endless fun, well except for forrest who was heaving for air, they all went back to donald and kingsley and sat to down to eat.

"hey can you pass me the sal-" forrest began

"shut up beach im tryna eat" wolf replied before forrest could finish. 

"for fucks sake, jimmy keep your boyfriend under control please"

"shut up beach, he can do whatever he wants"

"damn, can't live a day of peace in this household" which earned sympathetic pats from jake.

wolf had finished eating and went to play in the sand. first he was making little sand figueres then next thing you knew, he had made a whole, fully stable, sand fortress and was launching sand balls right at forrests head.

"STOP! THERE IS SAND IN MY EYES!!!" wolf didn't care though.

jimmy had gone to join wolf and now the two of them were launching sand bombs at both forrest and jake. jake just ignored it, the sand hitting his back only unlike forrest.

the sun had begun to set, they were all worn out. the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore provided a sense of tranquility they had originally set out to get. 

"alrighty guys, time to get going" they didn't complain and all helped in packing. although wolf didn't, using the excuse of being the youngest to weasle his way out of it.

the trip back was quite. the seating arrangments were the same, but was slightly more comforatable because the car was packed differently to before. wolf had yet again fallen asleep on jimmy and jake had rested his head on forrest's shoulder. 

"well today was fun" said donald

"no it wasn't, i almost died" argued forrest

"yeah, it was pretty fun indeed" kingsley agreed with donald

"quite enjoyable it was" jimmy chimned in

"man, i jst can't win with these people" forrest had whispered to himself.


both union beach day and jimmyxwolf were voted for, so uhh i, just found a way to kinda mix the both togher cuz im extremely lazy and didn't feel like writting to seperate things :/

more incorrect quotes next, followed by a new adventures of wolf and liv comming soon btw

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