Chapter 8

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y/n's P.O.V

As soon as berk was in sight. I was shocked. Outcast boats were already there. How did they get there so fast.

Hiccup and I landed in the village centre. We hopped off our dragons.

"it's about time you show up" Astrid hissed

"we were just freeing toothless, who was locked up" I said

"if you haven't worked out already, the plan is to defeat Alvin and his men" she said deliberately looking at me. What's wrong with her? It must be her time of the month.

I hopped back onto Firestrike and Hiccup on toothless. We flew towards the shore and landed by the outcast boats.

i jumped off and grabbed my bow and arrow. I signaled for Firestrike to defeat Alvin's men.

Astrid's P.O.V

I ran back to the gang to help fight off Alvin's men. I feel quite angry now. It's just that Y/N is always in the way. She might even be part of them. I can tell Hiccup likes her by the way he looks at her and the way he acts. I know Snotlout is my boyfriend, but Hiccup was way better than Snotlout is and I feel really bad for cheating, it wasn't even my fault.

Y/n's P.O.V

I was shooting arrows at various men. I was also helping Hiccup as well.

"well if it isn't the young Viking y/n. Come join me, i know you miss your dead family, but doing this won't bring them back, so get over it" Alvin's said. I turned around.

"you really think all of this is about my family, no, it isn't. It's because I am sick and tired of you treating me like I'm dirt as well as your fellow men. I never fitted in and the other teens would tease me from dawn to dusk. I now want you to see what it is like to be treated badly" I said

"oh yeah, how you gonna do that?" He asked

"by winning a fight" I said. He laughed

"a bow and arrow, against an axe. Good luck with that!" He said laughing

"there's a thing called fire" I said

"where will you get that from?" He asked

"a dragon, duh" I said rolling my eyes

"oh really, then where is your dragon now" he asked



"FIRESTRIKE!" I shouted

"oh yeah, I forgot to mention. I have you dragon right here!" He said stepping aside revealing a chained up Firestrike.

"Firestrike! Don't worry buddy, we're gonna let you out" I said

"how you gonna do that, it's metal" he laughed.

i turned around to look at Hiccup, i nodded to him, he looked confused at first,but finally understood. He got out his sword, he got the little balls and attached it to the handle, he flicked it and the zippleback gas poured out and exploded. Alvin's fell over coughing violently. Hiccup ran towards Firestrike and changed the sword to Monstrous Nightmare saliva, he cut the chains off of Firestrike.

Firestrike jumped out out of the chains and ran towards me. I got on and put my helmet back on. Alvin's stood up and gripped onto the axe in his hand. I took flight on Firestrike while Hiccup did the same on toothless.

I looked around to see Alvin's men retreating in the boats and floating away. when Alvin's saw this he was gutted.

"......what.......but.....I...—-" he stuttered

"you have lost Alvin, give up" I said. His mood changed from Confused to evil.

" it's not. Not yet!" He shouted

"how should we break it to him?" I asked Hiccup

"what are you talking about. It's over, your men are gone, you're on your own!" Hiccup said to alvin.

"not quite" he shouted

"what do you mean?" I asked.

He smirked and shouted really loudly 

Then out came a gigantic dragon With big red eyes.

"get them!" He shouted

the dragon turned to Hiccup and I. Hiccup instantly flew away, I hesitated before doing the same. I looked behind me to see the dragon following me.

I'm dead!

The other Night Fury (reader x Hiccup)Where stories live. Discover now