Chapter 3

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Y/N's P.O.V

We have been flying for a while now, I decided to do some tricks.

"Okay bud, you wanna do some tricks?" I asked. He made a gurgling noise in response.

"here we go!" I said

I jumped off Firestrike and dived down, I looked up to see Firestrike chasing after me, he flew by my side.

when I was close to the sea, Firestrike cut under me and I landed on the saddle.

"yeah! That's how you do it! now, let's see how fast you can go bud!" I shouted, and he suddenly zoomed just over the sea, he was so fast, his speed made a dip in the water. I lost my grip on the saddle and let go of the handles. I really need to put a harness on it. I was swooped into the air and I then started to fall. Firestrike caught me with his claws and tossed me high into the air, before I came back down and landed on his saddle.

"thanks buddy!" I said patting his side.

I decided to get something to eat, we did our fish hunting the usual way, well, the way I taught him.

"wait for it......wait for!" I said, and he blew a plasma blast into the water and some fish came out of the water, I got out my bow and put an arrow on it, I stretched it back and released it. The bow impaled all 3 fish. I have improved a lot with my archery, my family would be so proud.

The arrow with the fish landed on a cliff, so we flew over to it and I made Firestrike land. I jumped off him and sat down, he sat next to me and shot a bit of fire in front of us. I took off my helmet and put it beside me and picked up the arrow with fish and gave two of them to Firestrike and roasted one for myself then I ate that one.

" So, what should we do now? we can't go back, they'll kill you and Thor knows what they're gonna do to me" I said

I took my bow off the strap on the saddle and I took out my dagger from its sheath on my leg and started to carve a pattern onto it.

I suddenly heard screeches and people shouting, I should go.

" Come on buddy let's go before they find us" I said as I put my dagger in its sheath and my bow on the strap. I put my helmet on and jumped onto Firestrike. I held onto the handles and pulled up. He shot into the sky and we hid in the clouds.

Hiccup's P.O.V

"Hey bud how do feel like finishing that map" I said, toothless and I have almost finished the map.

"Hiccup, people have been saying that Alvin is plotting something, we need to stop him" Fishlegs said

" do we have to?" Astrid said. Astrid and I are no longer together, our relationship just didn't work out and she also cheated on me with Snotlout, I thought she hated him, Snotlout and her are now a couple, I'm over her though.

" Yes, we do, how come on before he gets to Berk" I said climbing onto toothless

the others climbed onto their dragons and we took flight.


We were so close to outcast island. Stormfly screeched at the sight of Outcast boats trying to shoot bolas at us we didn't get shot though.

"Oi! Watch were you going!" Ruff said

"no, you watch were you are going" tuff said

" why am I even on the same dragon as you!" Ruff shouted

" Because no one else would want to share a dragon with you, duh" Tuff shouted back

" guys be quiet people will hear you.

when I looked forward I saw a quick black flash fly into the clouds. Was that what I think it was?

I pulled the handles on the saddle and we flew into the clouds. We went through them and saw a fast black flash flying through puffs of cloud.

the others appeared in the clouds

" what are we doing in the clouds aren't we trying to stop Alvin?" Tuff asked

I think the black flash heard, some of the clouds misted away and it revealed a dragon, but not just a dragon, a night fury, it's rider looked back at us before diving out of the clouds.

" was that a night fury. I thought toothless was the last one" Fishlegs said

" so did I" I said and dived through the clouds with the others following.

The night fury was travelling fast. I tried to keep up but, the other one was faster, probably because it didn't have a missing tail fin like toothless did.

The rider patted the dragon before it shot a plasma blast and extremely quickly flew away and out of sight.

" That night fury is so fast" Snotlout said

" I need to know more about night furies, they might be my answer" I said.

The other Night Fury (reader x Hiccup)Where stories live. Discover now