Sean and Chase, Teleported

243 11 10

Suggested by @AntisepticCrayon, sorry it took so long

Chase's pov

I don't understand what happened. Or how. All I know is that one minute I was driving back home from the bar, passing the same street I did almost every day, and the next, I was suddenly out of the car and tumbling down onto the road, hissing with pain from the few scrapes and bumps I collected on the way. Immediate panic and confusion filled my mind as I got to my hands and knees and noticed, starring hard at the driverless car which rolled slowly beside me.

What the fuck just happened?

Slowly I got up from the graveled road, dusted myself off a bit, still confused and hoped back into the car, shifting it to park to stop it from rolling anymore. Then spent a lot of time starring out into the open road with my hands gripping tightly around the stirring wheel, taking in what just happened. After a while I simply sighed, shook it off and drove back home, trying to forget about it the rest of the night.

One week later

I choose not to dwell on the events that happened the week before. It was likely I had just blacked out for a hot minute and in my drunken state thought it would be a good idea to just jump out or something, especially with the amount I had had to drink that night. It wasn't unusual that I'd do something so stupid while drunk, heck it's happened plenty of times before, and blackouts weren't an uncommon thing, so it was definitely plausible.

Unfortunately forgetting about it wasn't as easy a task as I thought it would be.

While out clearing my head on a well overdue and much needed walk it happened again. The same exact thing. Except this time I went a much further distance. Several yards in fact.

Obviously I was freaked, pulling my hair in frustration as I twirled around, trying to figure out where the way home was and what was happening to me.

Was I blacking out again? Did I hit my head at some point? Is there something wrong with me?!

Eventually I clocked in on the original path I was taking before and ran towards it, eagerly following it back home. Minutes later, when I entered my house the first thing I did was run straight to the kitchen, pour myself a generous glass of red wine and jug the whole thing down in a matter of seconds. Then with the empty glass I forcefully hit the counter, urning a clattering thud, wipe my mouth clean and lean over the marbled surface with my head hanging low, waiting for it to kick in.

"What the fuck is happening to me?!" I hiss aloud, breathing heavily.

I didn't have anything to drink this time. Which means there was no way I could deny it. I was teleporting... Somehow. But how is that right? Something this crazy, shouldn't be possible, it can't be possible... Can it?

I lift my head and stare hard at my reflection in the window before me, before coming to a reasonable conclusion.

"I need help"

In a hast I move to take my phone out of my pocket to dial for a friend, or better yet a psych ward. But as soon as I tapped the screen and it lit up, it vanished from my hands, as well as my hopes as I teleported again. This time instead of an instant here to there like the last two times I felt a weird energy, almost like a tingling sensation through out my body for a split second as it happened. In all honesty I was kinda fascinated by it. I was teleporting for fucks sake, shit like this doesn't exactly happen every day. But I was still terrified. And rightfully so. I had no clues where I would end up next, and so, with every ounce of air my lungs could hold I screamed at the top of my lungs and let my knees crash to the ground, fist tight as I flipped my head back in agony.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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