22 | The IQ Test

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Today was the day. I exhale and let my senses go tranquil. The last thing I needed was to let my thoughts wander and invite unwelcome thoughts.

"How do you feel?" I ask, turning to Kibono. He's perched over the kitchen island as quietly as a mouse with a bowl of protein oatmeal sitting in front of him. 

With a small lift of his shoulders, he shrugs. "I'm good."

After what happened last weekend, Kibono didn't talk to anyone, much less his sister, it was disheartening seeing him internally fall apart, but we knew he needed his space.

We knew his motive too. I didn't need to ask to figure out that Henry must have been one of the guys that quite literally ruined Kibono's hopes and dreams.

Those were the guys who fucked with his chances of getting on the team. Revoked his scholarship and permanently stained his collegiate record. Henry was quite the character acting like such a macho man when in reality, he was just a little bitch looking for a fight. I knew guys like him. 

They were attracted to violence and toxicity as moths are attracted to light. The moths end up dying, and soon enough, Henry learns the error in his ways. 

My thoughts are broken when Carter flings the bathroom door open with the fattest grin I've ever seen on him. Smoke seeps past the door, and he tightens the towel around his waist.

"That was amazing."

"Because you don't pay the utilities," I reply, rolling my eyes. "Close the door! You're letting that nasty must come out into the kitchen."

B comes out of my room wearing workout clothes and chokes on her spit. "Ew. Carter, put some clothes on you're inducing my vomit."

The oatmeal that was in Kibono's mouth escaped landing on me and the granite as he choked out a laugh. I'm far too happy to see him smile than to be mad about the nastiness of the situation. 

"Ew!" I flick off the small specks of oatmeal on my forearm.

"Gross, men seriously need to learn how to be normal, clean, hygienic human beings," B says with a face wrinkled in scorn.

"Boys," I correct, and she winks, pointing a finger at me. The corner of Kibono's lips curve upwards, and I smile at the sight. Kibono was one of my best friends, he was like a brother. In fact, he practically was. Even though early on in our friendship I used to check him out, I officially consider him as a designated forever friend and nothing more. 

"Excuse you. Maybe I should start surrounding myself with women that actually respect me." Carter scowls before picking up his tee from the couch. Kibono and Carter slept over on the sofa bed last night, but by the morning, Carter was on the ground, and Kibono was sprawled over the comfy blankets by himself.

Before I can give Carter a snarky response, Okuna's door bursts open, and she comes scurrying out. 

"Hurry! We have to go it's almost nine!" She shouts, scrambling all over the place. My eyes shoot to the clock, and I slam the coffee cup I'm holding on the counter. 

"Fuck," Kibono hisses, tossing the rest of his oatmeal in the trash and leaving the bowl in the sink. He drags his backpack from the island stool, but the arm is tangled around the chair. Colorful curses leave his lips as the rest of us scurry around to get our shit together.

"Don't leave it like this! Put water on it so it doesn't crust," I say to Kibono whilst pointing at his oatmeal bowl. I don't even let him rectify his actions as I pour water into the bowl. 

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