The Consequences

413 13 8

Pov. Izuku

It took good 15 minutes for me to feel better. I'm pretty sure that this isn't normal. I remember what color red- determination and black- hate mean, but, violet? I slowly walked downstairs and drank  a liter of water. I still felt dizzy but it was way better now. I really needed answers. I got both of "Tales of the Multiverse" books and started to look through the pages looking for some information. But after an hour of looking I gave up with finding what violet means but I got other idea to find out what happened. "Science Izumi". It felt weird to see picture of me in lab coat and, well, as a girl. I found also Science Sans but I figured that another version of me would be more helpful. I teleported back to my antivoid, I learned that it servers me as a portal hub of mirrors. Did I mentioned that in previous chapter? ☞︎□︎❒︎♑︎♏︎⧫︎ . What was I talking about? Oh, right Science Izumi. I started creating a portal to her universe. A mirror appeared in front of me. I saw her working on something."I'm gonna look like a creep". I sighed and walked through.

SI(Science Izumi)- Mom! Can you open the door?! It's my parcel!

I- Eh, Hi?

SI- Fuck!! What do you want?! Who are- Wait. You are me?

I- Yeah, sorry for the entrance but for some universes I need to get through a mirror.

SI- You. Look. Amazing! Are those "ERROR" things are actually here? Are they a illusion? Gosh your eyes! What happened to you? Why do you look like shit?

I- Ouch, but that's why I'm here. I have no idea and you kinda are a science person so...

SI- Oh I see, so first you need to answer my questions about multiverse the we can make tests.

I- Why I should answer them?

SI- Everyone comes here and doesn't answer my questions and then demand something, you look like a nice guy and I wanna know some things.

I- What if I give you that book?

SI- Works for me, but it looks like you have some notes. Is it okay for me get it?

I- Yeah it was only some notes about my "condition" and trying to understand what is it. Once we figure it out the book is yours.

SI- Great! Let's start then!

Izumi started to walk around the room and look for something. After a minute she found a syringe. She asked if I have a soul reveal point, I showed her my back and felt a little pinch. She took some of my soul I think and put it in some sort of machine. She told me to to change into something more comfortable and without metal bits as she pointed at commode that I found a lot of different white clothes. I took some and changed in the bathroom. When I came back she told me to get in some sort of big device. I walked in and the glass door closed behind me. A green laser passed through my body, I assume, scanning me. After that the machine started to make some sort of noise and I saw Izumi's pen flying towards the machine and getting stuck on it like it was glued. A muffled "Fuck" that came out of her mouth made me chuckle a little. When the noise stopped the door opened and I walked out. "Just few more tests and we're done"
9 hours. That's how long it took. And "few" turned out to be fucking 20 tests. I'm exhausted and impressed that she have any energy left.

SI- And I'm done!

I- Great, so what is happening.

SI- Your power is killing you.

I- Excuse me what now?

SI- It's pretty common for people like you, ones that can travel through multiverse that is, to have powers that can kill you. Don't worry though, you're immortal so you wint die die but the agony of dying is a different story.

I- Great, at least I know what happened. So how do I prevent it?

SI- Just get proper sleep, rest or drink shit ton of caffeine.

I- Wait really?

SI- Yeah it's just lack of energy, so having caffeine giving you this energy makes your power useful and then it heals you from any consequences of drinking this much coffee.

I- How much are we talking if I have zero energy?

SI- Well that's impossible because zero mean you're dead, but if you have lowest possible? Around 10 lethal doses of caffeine.

I- Cool what else do we know?

SI- Well I can list all of your powers if you want.

I- Sure why not.

SI- So: teleportation, those strings, blasters, this mirror teleportation, immortality but actually you can age just can't die of anything but age, I think that those "guide dreams" count as well. Powers that you didn't mention/used till now:  telekinesis, soul control, judgment, soul vision and ☠︎□︎⧫︎♒︎♓︎■︎♑︎ ☜︎●︎⬧︎♏︎
SI- So: teleportation, those strings, blasters, this mirror teleportation, immortality but actually you can age just can't die of anything but age, I think that those "guide dreams" count as well. Powers that you didn't mention/used till now:  telekinesis, soul control, judgment and soul vision

I- Elaborate soul control, soul vision and judgment.

SI- Soul control: you can wrap around someone's soul and control thier movement but not thoughs. Soul vision: you can see someone's trait of soul, like determination, kindness etc., without their permission or getting into a fight with them. Judgment: you can see someone's name, LV, EXP, HP and thier "motive".

I- Motive?

SI- For example I got once judged and mine is: "Izumi Midoryia LV: 1 HP: 20 EXP: 0 'Research never ends'". Motive is something that someone uses to "explain" Thier actions. For me I trying to research as much as I can and I know that I should do that because there is infinite amount of thing to research so the more I know the better.

I- Cool, and here is your book.

SI- Thank you! I really enjoyed this. And I learned so much! It was pleasure to meet you Izuku.

I- So was meeting you Izumi.

IM(Izumi's Mom)- Hey, Izumi, this parcel is really heavy and I can't get it upstairs, and what are you doing? I haven't seen you in hours- Oh, that's this whole multiverse situation?

SI- Yeah, mom this is Izuku or Error for avoiding confusion.

I- It's nice to meet you, eh not-mom.

IM- I am not gonna even ask but nice to meet you Izuku, wait. Is that how would you look if you were a boy Izumi?

SI- Probably.

I- Well depends on the dad, I meet me as a son of AFO.

IM- Who's AFO?

SI- Conversation for another time.

I- Well I gotta go now, it was fun. Bye bye.

SI- Bye Izuku!

Pov. Narrator

Izuku teleported himself on his couch. He hated the fact that tomorrow he needs to go to school. He was incredibly tired. But the sweet feeling of falling asleep was cure for his soul. He thought about Izumi, she was someone he once wanted to be. A person of science that can possibly help people with thier knowledge. And of course he thought that she was attractive. For a moment he debated with himself about different versions of the same person dating with themselves. But he quickly mentally slapped himself in the face. He slowly falled asleep trying not to think about tomorrow.
1279 words. I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as it was writing it. Have a great day/night and bye bye.
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The Last One - Error!Izuku AUKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat