Old Hell

362 11 10

Pov. Izuku

My phone's alarm rigged making me jump out of bed. When I came to my senses and realized that I have to wake up I wanted to die. But I finally accepted my fate. I teleported my school uniform on me and went to the bathroom. After doing typical morning stuff I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs.

IM(Izuku's Mom)- Hi sweetie!

I- Hello mom.

IM- You look horrible, have you sleep well?

I- First ouch, second no, I hate school, remember?

IM- Yes, yes, I remember. I still don't know why tho.

I- Doesn't matter. I'll be going, bye.

IM- Bye Izu!

I teleported to my classroom. Looking around I realized that the teacher was staring at me with confusion in his eyes.

I- Don't even. I don't have energy for this shit.

T(Teacher)- Wha-

I- What did I just told you? Just please do what you always do when you see others bully me, shut the fuck up and look in other direction.

Mr. Asshole turned his attention to his book but he looked at me every couple seconds. I pulled out my phone and mindlessly scrolled through social media. It's almost funny that they don't realize that they've been dead for half a year. Almost. After good half an hour I regretted getting here so fast. Normally I get the bus but not having to deal with boom boom boy for longer was something I wish I could do for the whole day. I turned my attention to the door 'cuz I heard painfully familiar voice yelling at someone. I prepared my mind to the meeting I was looking forward to and didn't want to happend at once.

K(Katsuki)- Oy nerd! How the fuck did you get here?! You weren't on a bus!

I- I fail to see how is that your concern Katsuki.

K- What did you just say to me nerd?!

I- Gosh, you're dumb and fucking deaf.

K- What?!

I- Please for the love of Ink, just shut the fuck up for once in your life! Can't you just once act like you weren't a dog on a chain?! Or is it to much to ask?!

Katsuki looked like wanted to say something but instead walked up to me and wanted to use his quirk on me. Of course I was faster and used my strings to throw his body into a wall. He started bleeding from his hand that looked broken.

B1(bully 1)- What the fuck?!

I- You wanna share his fate? The proceed with this bullshit.

K- F-fuck, it hurts so much.

I- Stop whining idiot. I hope that I taught you a fucking lesson.

I wrapped my string around him again but this time I healed him. When he noticed this he stud up, didn't say anything and quietly sat down.
Class slowly filled up. All of them after a short while noticed that particular idiot was quiet. Nobody questioned it tho since nobody wanted for him to get loud.(Btw I'm basing how school works on how Poland school works since I'm to lazy to research Japanese). First, math class, was uneventful. The teacher really avoided eye contact with me. I pretty much slept for the whole lesson. Next japanese was pretty boring as well. Our teacher was this sweet woman that always let me rest on her lessons. Third class was chemistry, I was pretty good at it so even when the teacher asked me a question I easily answered it. Fourth was P. E. that normally was hated by me but now I just minded my own business and had peace. But the next class was interesting.

The Last One - Error!Izuku AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt