Chapter 39: Hospitals suck

Start from the beginning

"Stay there, champ." With a huge smile on his lips, I found Mike standing in front of me. "Good morning anyway, how are you feeling?"

"A if I slept for a whole day."

"Well, considering you entered the surgery room at 10 am and now it's-" he checked his expensive clock on his wrist before continuing "wow, it's 9 pm. My gosh, you weren't joking when you kept saying you were tired, huh?"

I chuckled at his words but I started coughing for the bad position I was laying in.

"Can you pass me some water?"

"Of course, let's sit up, slowly."

He helped me, pulling a softer cushion behind my back and pulling me up, to not mess up more my confused head. I adjust the duvet on my torso, noticing the tubes on my arm. Mike exited to go find some water. My head was on the edge of exploding.

When I pointed my gaze in front of me, my family wasn't there, but someone else was sat on an armchair next to the bed.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Hi to you too. What a shame they didn't fix also your kindness, but only your knee."

He got up to come to my bed and as soon as he was enough close, I pulled him in a hug.

"I'm so happy to see you. I can't believe you're here."

"Of course I'm here. Kia, you're not just a teammate to me, you're really my best friend. I couldn't stand the idea of you in a hospital bed alone while I was who knows where enjoying my life. I wanted to be here for you."

Listening to his soft voice, I felt hot tears running down my cheeks. Apparently he felt them too, as they were wetting his sweater.

"Oh, ignore her. She's always a bit too emotional after the anesthesia."

Mike broke the silence, bringing in a bottle of water, and I watched Pierre's face going from pure concern to a big grin.

"Hey, no need to cry. I know you love me, but c'mon."

"Ass! Both of you!"

We all laughed, catching the attention of my parents who were outside, talking to the doctor. They entered all together, with smiles on their faces, reaching my bed.

My parents took Pierre's place on the side of the bed, while the French moved a bit away, standing in the back of the room. Suz walked in soon after with Hannah, standing with Mike behind my dad. Doc came closer with a small notebook in his hands.

"Good to see you again, Kiara. How are you feeling?"

"I'm felling good, for now."

"Is it because of the knee or for the presence of your boyfriend? By the way, you can come closer if you want."

I looked at Pierre, when the surgeon pointed a finger to him. His face was priceless, he blushed hard and moved a hand to the back of his neck, grasping it with force. I couldn't help myself but broke in a loud laugh.

"Yeah, my love, why don't you come sit next to me? I've missed you so much."

Pierre moved, slightly embarrassed, under my father's severe eyes.

"I thought you were dating the other driver, the Brit one."

My cousin exposed his doubt, increasing the embarrassing moment.

"You know, once you try a driver, you never come back. It's good to be the only girl on the grid, I have nineteen more drivers all for myself."

Pierre, who was now standing in front of my dad, next to Katia, stopped the conversation.

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