Chapter 20 The Bet

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Chapter Twenty

                          The Bet

                   The camp girls were bored everyday seemed the same, with no romance in their lives, there was nothing to look forward to.
     Amy had a mischievous smile,"so it's agreed then,we all go after Kevin.The girl Kevin chooses is the winner of the bet."
     Amy, Lizy, Page and Julie all shook hands in agreement.
                     Ronny was annoyed,"Kevin, why did Amy give you,double the eggs she gave to me for breakfast?"
     Kevin shrugged his shoulders,"I don't know Ronny,maybe I looked more hungry than you did?"
     Jake arched his brow,"come to think of it, Page gave you an extra bowl of stew for dinner last night Kevin."
     Kyle joined in on the conversation,"Julie volunteered to collect firewood yesterday, when it was Kevin's turn."
     Steve turned his attention to his popular friend,"Lizy was very flirtatious with Kevin at lunch. Isn't that right sugar? I mean Kevin."
     Matty giggled,"Kevin is in the girls' sights, look out or you'll be getting married next Kevin."
     Kevin crossed his arms,"they can look all that they want, but I'm staying single."
     Ronny was jealous,"I guess I'm a second class citizen, not even good enough to flirt with."
     Kevin reassured his buddy,"you can have them all Ronny, good luck being alone, or hanging out with us guys."

            Julie held the scissors,"I took cosmetology in vocational school, I could cut Kevin's hair. It was short when he arrived here."
     Page gasped,"Julie Beck don't you dare touch one black hair on Kevin's head."
     Amy envisioned the handsome young man,"I could get lost in Kevin's blue eyes."
      Lizy's jealousy kicked in,"Amy Linch it's Ronny you should be fantasizing about, you prefer blonds with green eyes."
     Lizy picked up an unwashed egg,"I would date the ugliest guy in school, if it meant winning our bet, no chores for two months."
      Amy put down a fresh palm prawn,"all of you know that you're more attracted to Kyle Jennings, those gorgeous brown eyes and brown hair."
     Page put another dirty egg into the bucket,"Jake Clearlan is the best looking guy on the island, with those bright blue beautiful eyes.His red dyed, spiked hair was breathtaking, when we arrived.The dye has faded now, but dark red hair suits him even more.Too bad that Jake prefers Steve and Kyle, over us."

            Kevin bent over picking up firewood,"oh Page you scared me, I didn't see you."
     Page handed him a branch,"I was just walking by and saw you Kevin, here you go take this branch. I'm not really busy, I would be happy to help you gather wood."
     Page batted her eyelashes, her brown eyes looking deep into his. Her light red hair catching a ray of sunlight.
     Kevin politely wanted to get rid of her,"no thanks Page, enjoy your day off. Ronny is fishing, he could use your company."
     Page touched his cheek, with her index finger,"it's not Ronny I want to spend time with, it's you Kevin."
      Page walked away having been bested.
            Ronny pounded on the outhouse door with his fist,"hurry up Kevin, you've been in there for one hour."
     Kevin opened the door, coming out,"it's the only place I can go, where the girls won't follow me."
      Ronny sat on the wooden hole,"they've gone too far, interrupting my potty time."
      Chance stood in the one man line,"it's obvious the girls are up to something, Kevin isn't the only single guy on this island. It's not like them to share four to one, when they could choose from others.Sooner or later one of us guys will hear them plotting.I propose a bet, whoever finds out the girls motives, does the other guys chores for a month."
     Kevin shook hands,"it's a bet Chance."
     Ronny spoke while upon the wooden hole,"count me in too, now leave me in peace, to complete my potty mission."

            Amy complained to her friend,"Lizy, how do I have a chance of winning the bet?Kevin is never alone, one of the guys is always with him."
     Lizy complained," I saw Kyle hiding in the weeds, trying to hear me and Julie's conversation."
     Page's annoyance was in her tone of voice,"I caught Matty hiding under my bed, when I asked him, what he was doing, he straight up lied to me.Matty said, that he lost his lucky penny, and was looking for it.I have never seen Matty, or anyone else on this island have a penny."
    Julie pondered,"Jake lied to me as well, when I caught him hiding behind a bush. I asked Jake what he was doing there?He claimed to be picking blackberries, but didn't pick a single berry.He didn't have a bucket or bowl to put berries into."
     Amy was mad,"the guys are spying on us, how dare they think we are hiding something."
     Lizy was confused,"of course we are hiding something, but this new game is more fun. We can either be the cat or the mouse, but there is a third choice, the cheese.The cheese baits the trap,catching both the cat and the mouse. We girls are the cheese."

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