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           After morning chores were done, Matty tapped Jake on the shoulder, " we need to go back to the beach camp, the pot, bowls and spoons were all left there soaking. "
     Jake wiped sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand," what time is it eightish, I'm sweating already. Just let me tell chance what we're up to, then we can leave. You fill two canteens, and give Max water. "
     Jake found the leader, " me and the kid are going back to the beach camp, we left the pot and dishes soaking. "
    Chance shrugged, " I'll hold down the fort while you're gone. Not much to do, everyone chose chores and do them not being told to. "
            Jake met Matty on the path, Max lead the way tail wagging. Many a stick was thrown and brought back along the way. Matty began to jog, his nervous energy released. Nine minutes later, his tired legs slowed to a walk.
     Jake easily kept up," don't ware your self out kid, save some energy for the walk back. "
                Forty five minutes later they arrived at the beach, but it was not how they left it. There was a bright yellow raft, left on the sand. There were several suit cases, laying on the beach. Extremely loud music was coming from the beach camp.
      Max growled a warning.
     Jake saw the yacht was back, " looks like more camp arrivals, were dropped off.'
     Matty took his friends hand, " should I be afraid?"
     Jake smiled, " no they're campers like us  Matty. "
     They followed the music to the beach camp. Jake couldn't believe his eyes, his best friend from high school, Steven Porter was standing there, chugging a can of beer. Steven looked taller than five feet ten inches. One hundred and sixty pounds was his skinny weight. His short brown hair  was wet with sweat. His blue eyes, his best feature.
     Jake ran to his friend hugging him," I can't believe you're here Steven, I thought I would never see you again. "
     Steven returned the hug, " your mom asked me to come, I missed you, I couldn't say no."
     Jake took a step back, " as much as I miss you Steven, you shouldn't have come. The yacht captain abandoned us, we arrived alone, to fend for our selves. He never said how long we would be here. "
      Steven put his arm around his friends shoulder, " there are a few strong guys in my group, Kevin and Ronny. I'm sure the three of us, will make your groups work easier. I also brought four beautiful girls with me. we're picky but the others might be into them.. "

     Ronny Perry introduced himself, " you must be Jake, that Steve never shuts up about. "
     He shook hands taking a drink of beer.
     Ronny was a young 18 years old, a few red spots from pimples on his face. His hair short and blonde, his mustache and eyebrows brown.  Six feet one inch height, 175 pounds. He was genuinely friendly.
     Kevin Warren spoke to the boy, " hi kid I'm Kevin. "
     His short black hair was wet from sweat. His blue eyes, made his eight teen year old face look younger. At five feet eight inches tall, he looked thin, at one hundred and fifty four pounds.
     Lizy Renolds made her way to the good looking male, " hi Jake, I'm Lizy Renolds. Steve never mentioned how good looking you are. "
     Lizy reeked of perfume, make-up didn't make her look older than her seven teen years. Her long blond hair, had three extensions. She looked odd wearing high heels on the sand, her five feet four inch height, was her reason.
     Amy Linch bent over speaking to the boy, " hi there, I'm Amy. Sounds like you've had a hard time here. Don't you worry, help has arrived."
     Amy handed the boy a cold can of soda, " not all of us are alcoholics. You look as hot as I feel, drink this sweety."
     Amy Linch was barely six teen years old. A barefoot five feet and six inches. Her blue eyes suited her long, red hair. One hundred and fifteen pounds of spunk.
     Julie Beck spoke not getting up, " I'm Julie, I'm hot, bored and tired of paradise already. "
     Julie Beck an older seven teen years, her fake ID said twenty one years old. She tipped back her head finishing her beer. yet another diet, being one hundred and eighteen pounds. Five feet and five inches, in her designer running shoes. Her long, brown hair was dyed, to match her dark brown eyes.
     Page Palmer hugged the handsome new arrival, " I'm Page and I call dibs girls. Jake is off limits, don't get any ideas. "
     Steve broke the awkward silence, " I bid one banana, three coconuts and a monkey. No takers, sold. "
     Everyone but Julie laughed, Matty laughed loudest. Clearly Steve claimed his friend, if he was to be owned.

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