Ch. 12 The Hunt

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                             Chapter Twelve

                                 The Hunt

            The two camps joined forces, determined to find and kill a boar. Chance found the game trail days before,he lead the hunt.All of the campers were armed, and frightened.
      Amy whispered,"the weeds are moving over there."
     Jake aimed his arrow,in stealth mode,"no lone heroes."
     Cat aimed the second arrow walking,"my legs are shaking."
      Kevin held a machete in each hand, forcing his legs to move.
     Ronny was on the verge of a panic attack,"breath Ronny breathe."
     The group surrounded the moving weeds, ready to kill whatever was in there.
     Matty ran as fast, as his legs would carry him,"Stop Stop!"
     That's when the barking began, Max jumped over weeds, running toward the boy.
     Matty hugged his dog,"you were nearly killed Max."
     The dog growled, running and barking,the group followed barely keeping up.
     The dog cornered the bore, against a long thicket of blackberry bushes.Jake didn't hesitate releasing an arrow, he missed the bore by two feet. Amy released her arrow,the kill shot was nearly instant.
    Amy bragged,"you're not the only one, who watches videos I have been practicing, my archery skills for weeks."
     Chance slit the bores throat, with a large hunting knife,"better safe than sorry."
     Chance gutted and skinned the bore, it was much harder and far more messy,than the survivalist video he watched.
     What Chance didn't tell the group, was the instructions Matty gave him that morning. Max reacted to the silence whistle, that was blown, where the bore waited to be found. The bores leg was tied and anchored to the ground, with thin rope. Chance quickly cut the rope, before the group noticed it.In fact there was no danger at all, a small knife wound on the bores neck, left it weak and helpless. Chance slitting the bores neck, covered up evidence.
               The bore roasted on the spit for hours,the groups were in a good humor.chance was relieved, he had past the test.The question was, when would be the next test? How many tests, had the group unknowingly done?How many more test, before they could all go home?

                The group was so full and happy, they forgot about why, they were at odds with one another.True only a few of them, actually participated in the hunt, but they were all there trying together.They didn't sit separated, by where they lived, they sat as friends.

            Chance fried three skillets full of bacon," I removed the belly, before putting the bore on the spit."
     Ronny's mouth was watering," it smells so delicious, I could kiss you Chance.Maybe next time, we can hunt a cow? I sure crave a hamburger.Weird it's called that, when ham comes from pigs."
     Cat held up a stack of pancakes," look what I found in the supply cabin, there's also maple syrup.I'm going to scramble some eggs, we will be full all day."
     Amy pouted,"great two skillets, extra plates and silver ware,it was so much easier eating as two groups. We will be lucky, if everything is soaked and cleaned before dinner."
     Kevin felt bad imposing,"our camp will do the dishes, in return for your camp providing the meal."
     Ronny butted in,"don't look at me Kevin, you're the one who volunteered."
     Lizy sweetly smiled," Chance helped with the cooking, it's only fair, that one of us from swim camp,help with the dishes. If you can stand looking at me long enough Ronny, I would be glad to help you ."
     Ronny shook hands with his ex girlfriend,"it's a deal Lizy.By the way, I don't hate you,I want us to be friends.I'm just not ready, to be in a relationship."
     Lizy chewed on a piece of bacon,"of course you're right Ronny, we will be pals. I'm only seventeen years old, I have to graduate high school, before I consider a long term relationship. The way things are headed, I will be much older, than nine teen years old, when I graduate."
      Ronny caught the teen girl's melancholy,"I will be a senior, when school starts. I sure want to be home before that, I don't want to be years behind."
     Amy wiped a lone tear from her cheek,"knock it off you two, I'm crying in my food. I tell myself daily, we're getting rescued soon.Rather it is true or not, it keeps me pushing forward. To give up, takes away any chance of going home. We are a dysfunctional family here, but a family none the less. So buckle up butter cups,it's going to be a bumpy ride."

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