Chapter 29 Home Is Where The Heart Is

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Chapter twenty nine

        Home Is Where The Heart Is

               It was still storming after two days of non-stop wind and rain.JR hated the cave crying, he must either be held or put into the crib or playpen.
     Ronny plugged his ears with his fingers,"let him run around already, I can't stand another minute of JR crying."
     Kevin was in agreement,"it's been two days, it's so boring and depressing even I want to cry. At least you have your bed JR, uncle Kevin misses his soft mattress."
     Amy gave the child a cup of water helping him drink it,"I would like nothing better than to let JR run around, but there's no way to baby proof a cave. Aunt Amy has more common sense than that, it's better that he cries than choking to death."
     The four guys went out of the cave running for their cabin, once inside they began talking.
     Alex was near tears,"I hope that Tye reached land before the storm hit, the raft wouldn't have stood a chance. If he's dead it's all my fault, it was my idea to leave in the raft, I'm an idiot for even thinking about it."
     Sammy slapped his brothers face,"snap out of it Alex it's
nobodies fault,it was Tye's decision. We aren't going to talk about it again, it's the only way he stands a chance."
               Jake walked into the sunshine hearing an unfamiliar sound,"do you hear that Matty? Birds are singing, they must have been blown here by the storm,or stopped here knowing the storm was close."
     Matty pointed at a pretty blue bird,"I hope the birds stay for a while, I like looking at them"
       Cat heard the conversation,"I hope you like picking berries, because those little thieves will eat every single berry. Get to work people, pick fruit until your backs ache and then pick some more."
     For the next four days every berry was picked within two miles of camp, as well as every fruit tree and the massive garden of ripe vegetables. Most of the canning jars were filled from fear of a mere twenty birds.

            Too many birthdays had been missed, the group decided to take one whole week off celebrating them. The supplies were carried to beach camp, the group took turns watching JR. Jake killed and butchered a fat goat when arriving,it was slow roasted over a spit all day. A fun day was had by all swimming and relaxing.
     Alex gently rubbed his girlfriend's belly,"have you had your monthly yet Amy?"
     Amy spoke quickly,"yes I started this morning,it was a scare I won't have again, until we're rescued I'm not being intimate with you again Alex."
     Alex's guilt was overwhelming, the reason for Tye leaving had never existed.
              Sammy kissed his girlfriend,"Lindy try to have a good time, you're at the beach and my manly chest is showing."
     Lindy giggled,"I love you Samuel Pratt you sexy muscle bound Romeo."
     Sammy added,"being rich doesn't hurt either."
     Lindy held out the plastic bottle,"alright money bags rub some sunscreen on my back."
     Sammy took the lotion,"if only I wasn't so hen pecked I would complain, and such a beautiful hen you are Lindy."
                Chance helped his son build a sand castle,"it doesn't look like much of a castle son, but it is sand at least. JR don't put your hands by your eyes, or your mouth, or your hair. You're really going to need a bath after this, mamma is going to kill me when she sees you."
         Ronny and Kevin built a sand castle going into intimate detail.
     Alex dumped water over their heads,"you forgot the moat Idiots."
     Ronny chased his buddy down the beach,"I might be an idiot but I'm faster than you are Alex."
     Kevin laughed until he looked down, the castle was completely destroyed.
                   Julie watched the off limits guy,"Page we are alone yet again, while Cat, Lindy and Amy are all in relationships.Our only options are Kevin and Ronny, or we could break the rules chasing Kyle."
     Page pointed at the two guys having a slap fight,"Kevin and Ronny are as immature as the day is long, like a stray dog they are impossible to train. Steve and Jake don't prefer girls and Tye has gone missing, Kyle is our only option."
     Julie looked at Kyle Jennings,"I want to run my fingers through his brown hair and stare into those beautiful brown
     Page was more interested in Kyle's physical aspects," look at Kyle's muscles and he rarely wears a shirt. Why did we ever agree that Kyle was off limits?"

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