"Find a new-"

"Guys! Really?" A voice similar to Alex's interrupts. Alex falls into the room, pushed by none other than his big brother. "If you're going to argue at least argue over something worth arguing for. "

"Shut up," Alex groans, pushing Noah back. Noah looks towards me and smirks, his eyes purposefully, slowly scanning the bed. His expression turns suggestive. "Did you make my brother happy in a different way than usual? 'Cause he's been insufferably happy lately and if you did, he will basically be bouncing off the walls."

I laugh. "Good God, Noah." I shake my head in disapproval.

"Didn't deny it," he lulls, smirking. "Anyway that's not the point. Bonnie and I are making brunch and are wondering if you guys are in-"

"Noah!" Alex interrupts, giving him a look. They have a conversation silently and I pout, hating being left in the dark.

"Oh, right! Well then I withdraw my offer it is no longer on the table have a nice day or year or life okay bye." He nearly runs out of the room.

My suspicious gaze turns to Alex. "What was that about?" I ask.

"Just get out of bed and you'll see."

We end up in Alex's car, driving in the sunshine to a mystery location. When we get there, I'm majorly surprised.

I've lived in this town for the entire eighteen years of my life and not once did it come to my attention that there is a lake near the town line. How is something like that so easily hidden?

It's not like it's small either; it's a huge lake that goes on for miles it seems, with water the bluest I have ever seen. It matches the sky.

Alex leads me to the edge of the water where the grass reaches my ankle from being unkempt for so long. It feels funny on my exposed ankles and I smile at the tickling sensation.

"The spot is on the other side," Alex groans, raking a hand through his hair. I cast my eyes across the lake and see that it is heavily populated with trees, one of which is probably where he is aiming for. "I wish we could just cut across the lake."

I roll my eyes. "You can't walk on water, you egg."

"Did you just call me an egg?"


"Okay." He shrugs.


"I don't know what to do with that. I have no witty comeback. You legitimately just called me an egg."

"I did."


"I know."

We walk around the lake instead in an easy silence, both confused with my 'egg' comment. I called Alex an egg. An egg. I can't figure out where that came from and it's bugging me. I've never had the desire to call someone an egg before, so why now?

We reach the make the other side in good time and I take pleasure in watching the sun reflect off the water, creating the pretty dancing of light across the surface.

"It's through here," Alex tells me, placing his hand on the small of my back to guide me through the trees. Just inside the forest area there is a tree that is as wide as it is tall, with branches outstretching in every which way. Alex adjusts his backpack and climbs up to one of the lower ones, before helping me up.

I find a nook in a fork between two branches, perfect for my size. Alex sits beside me and gets food out of the backpack.

"How did you find this place?" Birds sing somewhere nearby and I look around to try to find them.

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