Angel of Death - Happy

Start from the beginning

"Energy in a can," I said. "I plan on making this as painful as possible for that bastard."

"You'll fit right in with Tig and I," he said with a smirk. He introduced me to Tig as we walked in.

"This little thing is the Angel of Death?" Tig asked.

I nodded and smiled at the man.

"Hard to believe huh?"

"What did you have planned for this bastard?"

"It's gonna be a long and painful night. I went to school with the girl he tortured."

Tig just nodded in agreement. He went to the fridge and grabbed a beer before sitting down to watch.

"You're a twisted fucker aren't you?"

"Oh you don't even know the half of it baby."

I turned to Happy. "He's gonna jerk off while we do this isn't he?"

Happy just nodded and I made a fake gagging noise.

"What's the game plan?"

"Break his fingers, I've got a small flamethrower to burn him with, I've got a knife that I might heat up and stab him with. Oh and I plan on cutting his dick off and skinning him alive if he survives the night."

Happy stared back at me in shock. "Marry me."

"No," I said. I grabbed a knife from my bag as well as my flamethrower and went to start in.

"Why don't I just watch you for a bit," Happy said.

"Or you could help," I said. "Fingernails really aren't that important, maybe he loses a few of those and a few teeth while we're at it too."

Happy and I spent the next several hours torturing the man. We made a great team if I was being completely honest. We were cut from the same type of cloth in this life, both meant to be doing exactly what we were doing.

The sun started coming up and Tig put an end to our torture session.

"As hot as this shit is, we do need to dispose of the body and go deal with Laroy for putting you both on this hit."

I agreed before grabbing a bone saw.

"I need his hand as proof," I said, my adrenaline starting to wear off already. Tig had snapped me out of the zone and that was all it took some days.

Happy took the saw from me and moved to cut the hand off his body. The screams were getting more and more faint which I was thankful for. This fucker was loud.

"I'll dispose of him. Go shower Angel," Happy said. That's all he's called me all night.

"I'll help," I said.

"It won't take us long don't worry," Tig said. "Showers through there."

I nodded and walked into the bathroom. I was covered in blood. Luckily for me I had extra clothes and such with me all the time. I showered quickly, scrubbing the blood off of me and heading out once I was dressed in fresh clothes. I still had to ride up to Oakland and deal with Laroy before I could head home and I was tired.

The two men were waiting for me when I returned. It looked like the events of the last eight hours never happened.

"Let's go," I said.

"It's about an hour from here into Oakland. You good with that ride?"

I nodded and we went outside. Luckily I had another energy drink in one of my saddle bags. I grabbed it as Tig and Happy watched me.

"What are you doing Angel," Happy asked as I grabbed my keys and took a few deeps breaths.

"Staying awake," I said before shotgunning the drink in my hands.

When I looked at the men they were staring at me in almost awe.

"Who are you and why have we never met before?" Happy asked.

I laughed a little. "Neither of us are the settle down type. Now let's go deal with Laroy. Cause after that, I've gotta ride clear back home."

"We've got a place you can rest up," Hap said.

"I will think about it," I said. I got on my bike and the men got in the van, leading the way to Oakland. We pulled up to a park where I was set to meet Laroy and clearly they were too. There were a bunch of families around but the group of men all in purple stood out quickly.

I walked over to the van and grabbed the cooler for Laroy. The guys followed behind me and I dropped it on the table in front of him.

"I see you met the Sons," he said.

"If you ever pull this shit on me again, it'll be your hand I'm delivering," I said lowly. He nodded and swallowed, looking past me and at the two Sons flanking me. "Now where is my fucking money?"

Laroy opened the cooler and nodded to his right hand man, who handed me and envelope. It looked to be the right amount. And Laroy knew well enough not to short change me.

I turned on my heels and walked back to the van.

"Angel you look like you're going to fall asleep."

I looked over at Happy.

"How far til this place where I can rest?"

"About two hours," he said.

"I'll make it," I said. He just nodded and got in the van with Tig.

When we pulled off the highway and into a little town called Charming I finally let myself start to relax.

The van pulled onto the lot of an automotive shop. I parked a little ways away from the bikes of the Sons and walked over to the guys.

"Come on Angel. I'll introduce you to the charter after you sleep," Happy said. I nodded and yawned. I followed him inside and to the back where there were some dorm rooms.

"I'll be out here when you wake up."

I just nodded as he unlocked the door. I collapsed onto the bed and was out instantly.

Sons of Anarchy Imagines Part 2Where stories live. Discover now