Chapter Three

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Nancy's POV

    The other day is a little bit of a blur. I remember Mr. Dolan bringing me home. It was a hard day at the office yesterday. I was so exhausted I couldn't even change out of my work clothes to put them to wash. I slipped out of bed and looked at my phone. It was six am and my body felt sticky with sweat.

   I took my clothes off and laid them on my mattress that rested on the floor. I took a hot shower. I stood under the water, letting it lightly beat my face. I couldn't stop thinking about him. The way the heat of his body radiated on to mine when he was close. I just wanted to feel what it felt like to be in his arms.

   The shower door opened, I looked over at him to see him stepping in behind me. He licked his lips before placing his hands on my hips. I turned to him and pressed my chest against his, my arms wrapped around his neck. His arms wrapped tightly around me. Time stood still. I could feel his breath on my lips. There's nothing I wanted more than to feel them. I leaned in to his lips and he slowly leaned in to me.

   My alarm started going off.

Eight am.

I got lost in my thoughts. I'm going to be late again if I don't hurry up. I turned off the shower and rung my hair out. I won't be able to blow-dry it now.

   I dried myself and stepped back into the clothes. I drenched myself in perfume before putting on a pair of flats and leaving my small apartment. I made my way back to work. Destiny sat behind the coffee cart again.

Eight-forty-five am.

   "Hey can I get Ethan's order again?" I asked as she looked up from her phone. She quickly made his coffee and handed it to me before sticking her nose back into her device. I wonder what she's doing. I hope she doesn't get in trouble.

   I stood in the elevator.


   The elevators opened and I walked to the office. I opened the glass door and stepped in, placing my purse on my desk. Mr. Dolan stood inside his office, dialing a number into his phone as the time hit Nine. I walked into his office and he hung up.

   "Good morning, Me. Dolan. I got your coffee. What would you like me to do?" I asked.

   He avoided eye contact as he dropped another large stack of papers on his desk.

   "You can complete these" He said before he sat in his chair and focused on his computer.

    I grabbed the stack and dropped it on my desk. I looked back at him to see his dart quickly dart away from me.

Ethan's POV

   I was about to call her when the clock hit nine. She walked in, a smile on her face as she put her purse on her desk. She walked into my office as I hung up the phone. She was wearing the same clothes as yesterday and the day before, her hair was wet and wavy. I could imagine her in the shower this morning, water and soap running down her body, seeping in her crevices.

  I stared at my laptop screen, taking glances every so often. I could see Grayson entering my office space. Great. He looked at Ms. Ortiz before coming into my office and shut the door behind him.

   "What do you want?" I asked.

   "I wanted to talk to you about the reports due today. But now that I've come here I'm wondering about the office you're running over here. Your assistant is wearing the same thing as yesterday and the day before and even the day before. Are you not paying her or something?"

   "Did you just come into my building and start shitting on my assistant? Don't you have better things to do... Like fucking the coffee girl?" I said as I directed my attention on him.

   He looked at me with his mouth agape. "My affairs are none of your business. You should be worried about YOURS"

   "What 'affairs'? I'm a married man Grayson"

   "Yeah, tell that to the midnight clock outs. I saw the logs and Veronica called me this morning. She said you keep coming home late and exhausted and you ramble out some excuse"

   "Well it wasn't some excuse, it was true. I was here all night working on files"

   "That's your assistants job. If she can't handle it then fire her. I'm not having my ass on the line with investors and other people because of your new assistant that can't even afford multiple sets of clothes" Grayson scoffed.

   " Stop talking already " I responded. I wanted him to leave, he wasn't doing anything but pissing me off.

   " Whatever Ethan, don't fuck anything up" Grayson said as he walked away.

  I scoffed and called Ms. Ortiz into my office. She walked in with her head down. "Can I ask you a question?"

  She nodded, her eyes stuck on the ground.

   "Why do you need this job?"

   She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. My heart broke.

   "Please, Don't fire me. I know I don't have different professional clothes to wear every day and I'm probably messing up your company image and I know you've been staying late to help me with the job I was hired for but I really need this" She sighed.

   " I'm not going to fire you."

   " I was late on rent and I couldn't afford anything else. I didn't have a choice"

   I stood quiet before leaning back in my chair. "I need you to stop crying and stay late again tonight"

   She wiped her tears and nodded." Go ahead and get back to work"

   "Okay" She said quietly before walking back to her desk.

   I logged into the company funds and transferred an extra five-thousand to myself. I sighed and questioned myself. Why am I doing this all for this girl?


THE AFFAIR // E.DМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя