Chapter Thirteen

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Nancy's POV

   It was the night of the gala. I stood in front of my mirror, trying on different dresses I found in the back of my closet. A skinny red one was too short, a black one that wasn't formal enough, and a yellow one that was much too casual.

   I tried on the gold dress again. I couldn't wear it tonight, could I? Ethan bought it for me, but now our relationship was over, and I couldn't return it to the sender either. It would go to waste. I couldn't see any other dress fitting as perfectly as this one. It gave my skin a warm glow.

   I walked into my bathroom and carefully applied my makeup. I gave myself a black eyeliner wing with a gold outline around it. I chiseled my face with bronzer and brushed on a slight blush. I braided a section of my hair and placed the rest into a bun at the back of my head, wrapping the braid around my bun. I rubbed on a red lipstick and slid into my matching shoes.

   Ethan texted me, asking me if I was attending. I didn't respond. I slid my phone into my small black wristlet purse and left my house. The moon was high in the sky, surrounded by small dots of burning suns.

   My forty-five minute walk turned into a fifty minute one from my heels. I walked through the dark streets, only lit by streetlights. Tall light beams appeared in the sky, moving back and forth. I reached the building, the walkway was covered in sparkling blue glitter. A banner hung over the revolving doors.

   I walked in, the coffee cart girl wasn't at her post. I'm sure she was in the party as well. Maybe I'll have a friend tonight. I followed the arrows on the ground, leading me to a grand hall at the back of the first floor. The theme was midnight.

   Streamers, balloons, table cloths were white, black and blue. The room was dark, only lit up by small lights placed around. My co-workers were dancing to the music that played, chatting and laughing. Some were sitting at tables, eating from the long surfaces in the back full of different types of foods.

   I walked to the banquet table and grabbed a small plastic plate. I placed a spoonful of potato salad on my plate, along with a large flat piece of chicken. I added some greens and found a secluded table in the corner. I put my plate down and walked to the bar.

   I ordered a small and fruity drink before sitting back in my seat. Soon Mr. Dolan walked in, the coffee girl on his arm. He began greeting people as she and I made eye contact. She wore a short skinny black dress and heels. She ran over carefully and smiled.

   "How are you? Why are you over here alone?" She asked.

   "I'm good and I don't know much of anyone but I was required to come so I came" I chuckled as I sipped my drink.

   "Do you want me to stay with you? I'll sit here and get drunk with you. Grayson's driving me home anyway" She smiled.

   " No, it's okay. Go enjoy the party. I'll be fine"

   She gave me a small smile before walking away. I finished my food and threw my plate in the trash before returning to my seat. Ethan walked in and searched the area. He was wearing a sparkly black suit with a white under shirt and a gold rose pinned to his shirt. He spotted me.

   He began walking over to me and I stood up and began making my way out. He grabbed my wrist as I passed by him.

   "Please, talk to me" He said softly.

   I shook him off of me and left the hall. I walked to the elevator and stepped in. The doors opened on my floor and I walked to my office. I sat in my chair, turned my computer on and began watching a show. The clock on the wall was ticking faster than usual.

   The doors to the office opened and Ethan walked in. I paused the show and looked up at him. He sighed and stood in front of me. His hands holding each other. He was wearing gold cufflinks.

   "Listen, I'm sorry for how Grayson made it seem. And how I made it seem. There was nothing between she and I, that's why you're here. It was inappropriate, especially since it wasn't reciprocated. Come here" He grabbed my hand gently and I stood up.

   He looked me up and down before holding my hips. " You look beautiful and I want you to have a fun night. Especially, with me. I want to be with you and only you. I swear on everything, you're the most important woman in my life and the only reason I wake up in the morning. You make me laugh and make me happy---you give me butterflies and you are the one thing I look forward to when I come into this hellhole"

   " Thank you" I said quietly "Are you telling me the truth?"
   "Yes Nancy, one hundred percent. I would never put myself in a position to lose you" He sighed " I'm in love with you"

   I could feel my heartbeat quicken at his last words. He loved me. And I think I was in love with him too. I grabbed him in my arms and held him tightly.

   " I love you too" I said into his neck.

   I pulled away and kissed him gently. He grabbed my face, one thumb caressing my cheek. His hand slid down to the bottom of my back. I felt safe with him, in his arms. I kissed him passionately and he guided me to his office.

   The door shut behind us and he held me at my waist, the other hand let down his blinds. The room was dark, only lit by the spotlights downstairs, shining through the windows. He moved down to my neck and I ran my fingers through his hair. He trailed further down to my cleavage before coming back to my lips. He stared into my eyes for a moment, my red lipstick smeared on his lips.

   "Do you want to?" He asked.

   I sat on his desk and grabbed him by his suit jacket. I began unbuttoning it and gave him a small nod. He smiled before pushing my hands away and taking off his suit jacket, tie and unbuttoning his shirt. I kicked my shoes off and began unbuckling his belt.

   I pushed him back gently, stood up and slid the dress off my shoulders. It fell to the ground and I stepped out of it. Ethan looked me up and down before picking me up, putting my legs at his sides. He walked over to his desk chair and sat down with me straddling him.



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