Chapter Eleven

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Ethan's POV

    I woke up in Nancy's bed. Her body was scrunched up next to me. The sun was blinding through the skylight. I don't know how she lives with this. I turned to my side, carefully removing my arm from around her.

   I turned on my phone and it flooded with messages and voicemails. I scoffed and got up from the bed and into Nancy's attached kitchen.

   I grabbed a small bottle of water from her fridge and listened to the last voicemail I got. Veronica was crying still, apologizing for what happened. It ended on ber telling me she loves me. The next voicemail was from Grayson.

   "Yo, where are you? Veronica is in the hospital"

  I pulled my phone from my ear as a text from Grayson appeared.

   "Where are you???"

   "I just woke up. What happened?"

   "Drive your house to the hospital. Something happened to Veronica"

   I sighed and put my clothes from last night on. I wrote Nancy another note and left it next to her. I left the house and climbed into my car.

   Grayson texted me the address to the hospital and quickly drove to it. I ran in and asked for her. The nurse led me to the labor and delivery ward and to her room. Grayson was sitting at the foot of her bed, staring down at his phone.

   "What happened?" I asked.

   "Ethan?" Veronica said quietly.

   I rushed to her side and put my hand on her head.

   " Hey, you okay?"

   She shook her head " No" she sniffled.

   I looked at Grayson and he patted her leg. " I'm sorry bro"

   " What happened?"

   " I---lost--th--the baby" Veronica said through sobs. She handed me a ultrasound picture of a small circle.

   "I'm sorry" I said sadly.

   "Take the day off. I'll do your work okay? Stay with her" Grayson told me.

   "Okay. Thanks"

   Grayson left and I sat next to Veronica.

   "I'm so sorry Ethan. I know I shouldn't have listened to a stranger but- I was scared to lose you. And I want to have a baby with you"

   "I know. You shouldn't have tricked me like that. I told you I'd think about it because I need to know if I'm ready. I don't want to bring a baby into the world and not love them and be able to care for them properly"

   " I'm sorry" She said again.

   Nancy's POV

   I sat at my desk, Ethan's office was cold and still. I pulled out my phone and sent him a message asking where he was. No response. Mr. Dolan walked in with a smile on his face.

THE AFFAIR // E.DTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang