Chapter Eight

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Ethan's POV

   I texted Nancy, asking her about her plans for Sunday. She told me she wasn't doing anything special. I told her to put on a nice dress and wait for me, I'm taking her on a date.

   Veronica sat at the kitchen counter, typing on her computer. Her hair was tied up in a bun. I walked in the kitchen, shoving my phone in my pocket.

   "Hey, I have to go to the office to sort out some stuff for tomorrow. I'll probably be home late" I told her.

   She looked up at me and bit the inside of her cheek. "Oh, I was hoping we'd get to watch that new horror movie that came out. It's on prime, early access for twenty"

   I kissed her forehead "We can watch it when I get home around eight. I promise"

   She smiled lightly and said a small okay. I walked to our room and dressed in one of my suits. A black suit jacket and pants with matching shoes. My button up shirt was white. I grabbed a black bowtie and shoved it into my pocket.

   "Bye, I love you! I'll see you tonight!" Veronica yelled from the kitchen as she heard me open the front door.

   " Bye! You too! " I responded before leaving the house. I climbed into my car and slipped my ring off. I hid it under the cupholder beside my seat.

   I drove to the store a bought a bottle of red wine before going to a small local restaurant nearby. I ordered us a roasted chicken and a chopped Italian salad with toasted bread on the side. I left the restaurant and drove to the pier.

   I parked my car in front of the board walk, boats were anchored down by the deck. I walked to the SS Dolan and stepped down into the boat. My boat wasn't large but was big enough to have a small house underneath the water. I placed the bag of food on the outer deck before walking down the steep stairs and into the small bedroom.

   The only thing that fit was a large bed. I climbed on the bed and grabbed a sheet and two pillows from the cubby at the end of the bed. I walked back upstairs and placed the sheet on the deck before adding the pillows across from each other. My phone buzzed in my pocket.

   "I'm ready" Nancy texted.

   I smiled to myself. "Be there soon"

   I shoved my phone in my pocket and climbed off of the boat and back into my car. I drove to her home and pressed on the horn. She soon walked out of the building in a short black dress and matching heels. I smiled in awe. I jumped out of the car and opened her door for her.

   "You look beautiful" I said as I grabbed her waist gently and kissed her cheek.

   "Thank you" She said as she slid into the seat.

   I shut the door and ran back to my side. I climbed back in and drove us back to my boat.

   "What are we doing here?" She asked.

   "We're having our first official date on my boat, in the water" I smiled before getting out of the car. I ran to her side as she was opening it and opened it for her "can you let me be a gentleman?"

   "I'm trying!" She exclaimed.

   I laughed at her and grabbed her hand. I led her to my boat and helped her step inside.

THE AFFAIR // E.DWhere stories live. Discover now