The Diary (Rock Lee x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Of course! Never better! Now, let's go do some youthful training!"


After training that day, Guy-Sensei had offered to take everyone out for soba. Lee would usually go, but he was too racked with guilt to be near you for a minute, so he'd refused. Thankfully, Neji hardly ever tagged along when they went placed, so he'd refused as well, which brought Lee to his current whereabouts...

He was walking by Neji's side, trying to muster the appropriate words to describe everything that happened. Neji hadn't even addressed him, but he looked like he was becoming increasingly annoyed by Lee's presence, so the ravenette decided to speak up before the brunette bit his head off.

"Neji! I've done something terrible!"

"Oh, for the love of God, it is way too early for this," Neji responded as he allowed his cream-hued eyes to fall shut for a few seconds, pausing where he stood and rubbing the bridge of his nose between his thumb and pointer finger. They'd been walking down the dirt road that led back to the Hyuga compound from the training grounds, but since Neji had stopped, Lee did, too.

"But it's two in the afternoon!"

"Tell me something I don't know," Neji scoffed, opening his eyes and shooting a confused glance at Lee, clearly waiting for him to clarify what he'd done.

"I read (y/n)'s diary by accident but then on purpose and it turns out that she has a crush on me!"

"Didn't think I'd be repeating myself, but again, tell me something I don't know," Neji scoffed, and Lee could only blink. Had Neji already known? Who else knew? Was Lee just oblivious or something like you'd written? Now he just felt bad- both for reading your diary in the first place and for not noticing your feelings earlier. Then again, it definitely would've helped if you'd said something! How much time had the two of you wasted skirting around each other and keeping your feelings a secret?

"I don't know what to do!" Lee exclaimed, pushing his bangs out of his face, only for them to fall right back.

"You like her, don't you? This should be good news," Neji actually tried to be somewhat comforting despite his clear annoyance, resting a hand on Lee's shoulder and offering an uncharacteristically soft gaze.

"Well, yes, but..." Lee trailed off, raising a hand to nervously rub up and down the length of the jumpsuit that covered his forearm, finding solace in the familiar texture of the green material. "I feel guilty for finding out that way! It wasn't my business."

"The ends justify the means in this situation, but if you really feel that guilty, just talk to her about it and be honest."

"Yeah, you're right, Neji!" Lee smiled, giving a determined nod before crossing his arms. "I'll definitely do that. Thank you for the youthful advice!"

"...Sure thing."


To make a long story short, doing that had been a lot harder than he'd initially anticipated. It was the next day and he still hadn't said anything despite promising himself that he would. He'd been training with you, Neji, and Tenten for the past few hours, trying to work up the guts to pull you aside and tell you the truth to no avail.

Lee couldn't function very well when he was nervous, apparently. He'd been stumbling and falling and failing all day, which was made evident when you finally managed to land a punch on him, something you'd been struggling with for a good amount of time. The ravenette was sent flying back, landing on the ground on his back with a thud that resonated through the area. Neji and Tenten, who had been sitting on one of the logs in the area to take their lunch break, both paused. You stood there aimlessly, eyes blown wide as you were seemingly surprised by the strength of your own hit.

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