Who? (Might Guy x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"(y/n)! I promise that one day, I'll guess who your crush is!" Guy challenged you, a large grin on his face, and oddly enough, you grinned back at him.

"Heh," You shook your head, giving the ravenette a look that he couldn't quite read. "I bet you won't anytime soon, but I'll let you keep guessing, Guy."


It was the next day, and as always, you and Guy were walking together.

You'd been good friends for the past fifteen years or so, having met when you transferred from The Sand Village to The Leaf Village as a Chunin due to some complicated family circumstances that you never really talked about. Many people had questioned how much of an asset you would be since you were from a village that they'd had problems with, but Guy and his friends had welcomed you with open arms, and you two had clicked almost instantly.

So, when he wasn't busy working with his students, the two of you tried to squeeze in a sparing session every day. You'd finished about a half-hour before, and though he'd initially claimed to be walking you home, you'd passed your house a good fifteen minutes ago and were now just walking aimlessly around the village together.

"So it's not Kakashi!" Guy spoke, bringing the two of you back to the subject of your crush yet again. He'd promised that he would guess who it was, and you'd agreed to tell him the truth if he got it right. He was determined, because no matter who it was, he would try to compete with them for your affections. It would be unyouthful to just roll over and die instead of trying his best to win your heart, after all! "Why is that?"

"He's a good friend, but a little quiet for my tastes and not emotionally available," As much as Guy loved his rival, that was true. "I like someone who can express themselves."

"Does that exclude Yamato from the choices, too?"

"Yes, for the same reasons but a little less severe," You chuckled, looking up at the sky, and Might took the opportunity to admire the smile he'd fallen in love with all those years ago. "I like his sense of humor, and again, good friend, but I'm not attracted to him romantically."


He doubted it was actually Ebisu for... Reasons, but he wanted to get his teammates and the other people he was close to out of the way.

"Remember the expressing yourself thing? I don't mind dudes who are into weird shit, but he hides it and that's kind of a turn off," Of course, you were talking about how Ebisu read Jiraiya's books "in secret" but judged people who read them in public- the "in secret" only in quotations because literally everyone knew about it. "Screams repressed to me, so no, not Ebisu... Also, he's disrespectful towards a lot of the people I like."

"I guess it isn't Genma since you said no to his date proposal, right?"

"Right. He's pretty cool, but I'm not into him like that. He's more like a brother," With that, you looked at your wrist despite it not even having a watch on it. "Ah, would you look at the time? I've gotta get going. See you around, Guy."

With that, you were gone, and Guy was heading back home to go to the drawing board yet again.

Who could it be?


A few days later and Guy was popping in through the window of The Ninja Academy, a place where you'd occasionally volunteer your services. They were currently trying to implement lessons about Medical Ninjutsu, and you were one of the few Ninja in the village who was talented at it, so you helped Iruka out with the occasional lesson. You were sitting alone in the classroom, packing your things- probably about to head home for the day.

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