Chapter 35:The Elite 4

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Third Person POV:

"Y/N!!!" Ash yelled as y/n walked towards him "hey" he then walked past him with ash following close behind him "Where were you! You disappeared for 5 Whole Days!" "I went on a little training adventure" "The whole village was on a look out for you! You could've told them" "Hell no" he said looking at his Pokéball's and smirking putting them away "Also, why didn't you go back to pallet?" "I wanna watch the battle, obviously!" "You can do that at pallet" "It's different seeing it up close! And especially since it's one of my rival's!" He said as y/n looked at him "Rival?" "Yeah!" "I never accepted that" "You don't accept being someone's rival, it kinda just happens" "Why're you talking to me like your brain cells multiplied?" Ash took an offended look to replace his smiling face and he begun to explain why he isn't dumb "Never said you were dumb" "YOU SAY THAT ALL THE TIME!" "Not this time" "you know what-" "Im tired of this" "Wait!" As y/n teleported away ash grabbed y/n's hand teleporting with y/n into his room.

Y/n smacked ash away "THE HELL'S YOUR DEAL!" Ash was seen throwing up in a trash can "oh yeah... yeah you've never teleported before have you?" He said believing that THIS was punishment enough as he heard a knock on his door "Who's this now?" He said walking to the door and opening it "Ah-" "Hello y/n, we meet again" lance said as he entered the room "Y/n who's that?" Ash said watching lance walk inside the rather above average living room and sitting on a chair. Y/n walked to the chair in front of him as ash stood next to y/n feeling the serious atmosphere "Hello lance" Ash blinked "lance.. AH! LANCE!?!" "Shut up!" "And who might this be?" Lance questioned looking at ash, ash felt sweat rushing down his face and neck "Ash, he's also a trainer... and my 'rival' apparently" he said making lance chuckle "is that so? Nice to meet you ash" "Uh- yeah it's nice to meet you two!" Ash said smiling at him thanking gods that lance was nice despite his External Appearance.

"So I'm assuming your here to discuss who I'm fighting?" "Yes, luckily for you" lance pulled his arms up to his sides in a t-pose like state as his hands faced y/n "The whole elite 4 has accepted your deceleration!" He said making ash gasp and y/n smirk "Good, now I can put the fear of god into you as you watch me beat them" "I like your confidence, but we'll see if you can back it up" "So when's the fight" ash asked excitement in his voice, y/n didn't
Berate him for it as he himself was excited "Two days, you'll first face  Lorelei. Then if you beat her Burno is your next target. After him is Agatha the oldest of us all. Lastly you'll face me" "Sounds like a plan, I promise you this Dragonborn. I WILL fight you, and i WILL stripe away the title of kanto champion from you" lance nodded gaining his normal face back again "That is to be decided, although you should know something" y/n and ash stared intently ready for what ever news was going to be dropped onto them "...actually, you'll have to earn it" Ash comically fell onto the ground.

Lance stood up and walked out of y/n's house "I look forward to watching your battles y/n" he said closing the door as y/n looked at ash "Well, I think you've had enough interaction between us. Your out of here bud" "W-Wait!"
Y/n stopped he was getting really tired of this "Let me train with you! You need someone to train with you for the battles!" Ash said determined to become his rival's training partner "Ash, I'm the winner of the kanto league. You lost, your top 16. You can't help-" "YOU CANT KNOW THAT UNLESS YOU TRY!" "H-hey! What's the matter with you!" He yelled at ash's determined face, clearly he can't use logic to drive ash away "Look it just wouldn't work! Im stronger than you in ever category!" "You still need to train with someone!!" "I CANT! Your just bad, number 2 and 3 both went home. The best person I could train with is the last winner of the league and I don't when how or where they are!"

Y/n yelled as ash rebutted with something y/n didn't care to listen to. He teleported ash to the plaza of the Indigo league village and threw himself on the bed. He wanted to go to bed but he couldn't, ash's voice and determined face were burned into his mind. He hated to admit it but ash was right, he NEEDED a training partner for this specific moment and he KNEW ash couldn't help him so why couldn't he wipe him away "God damn it." He said teleporting to the plaza and looking around, luckily ash was right there with professor oak, he walked up to him and tapped his shoulder "...let's start training"

-The End-

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