Chapter 14:Celadon Gym

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Third Person POV:

Y/n made it to celadon city, with determination in his eyes he made it to the gym and entered it ignoring anyone trying to speak to him as he usually did. He walked in to see the gym leader Erika in the field as he walked to the battle field gaining her attention "Oh hello, are you a gym challenger?" She asked a friendly smile on her face to y/n's glacial challenging face, he nodded as he took out a pokeball "Very well, but I must ask you to give me 5 minutes" she said as y/n raised an eyebrow, she flicked her thumb to her left as
y/n faced a businesswoman "I'm in a meeting, please come back in 5-20 minutes" she said as y/n shrugged and walked away. "I'm sorry Erika! I tried to tell him but it's like I was invisible" a woman said apologetically as Erika assured her that it was okay. Y/n walked out and looked to the nearby pokecenter "...I wonder" he said walking to the center a plan in mind "How long has it been since the puppy has fought another Pokémon?" He said looking towards a stone shop seeing a particular stone.


After 15 minutes y/n went back to the gym seeing the same businesswoman walk out with a stoic face "wonder what pissed her off" he said arriving at the same battlefield seeing Erika ready and awaiting his arrive "Ah your back, i must thank you for your patience trainer, may I have your name?" "Y/n" he said throwing in gyarados "not one for chit chat? Very well." She said throwing in tangela as the battle begun "gyarados bite" "Constrict!" She said as Tangela spun around stopping gyarados from biting down "Stun spore!" "Ice Beam!" As the spore rushed to gyarados, the beam rushed to Tangela. Gyarados slammed into Tangela as the spore connected freezing it as the beam and gyarados body landed on Tangela "Ah! Tangela!" "Gyarados!" They yelled but only Tangela was able to respond letting out a small cry "Tangela poison powder!"

Due to gyarados being stunned the poison landed as it gained movement once more and stood tall "Good your up, now use body slam once more" Tangela being unable to move due to it being under gyarados's large body laying onto it took the slam once more "End it with ice beam!" He said as the beam ended the battle, Tangela returning to its ball "Not bad, but let's see how you fair against my Weepinbell!" She said throwing in the bell grass/Flycatcher pokemon "Gyarados hydro pump on the ground" "Oh? Weepinbell Razor Leaf!" She said as the hydro pump landed on the ground and the leafs cut into gyarados "Now ice beam then body slam!" "Sleep powder!" They yelled as the ice beam landed freezing the ground and Weepinbell onto the ground but the sleep powder landed sending the atrocious pokemon into a sleep "SolarBeam!" "Oh shit! OI WAKE UP!!" He yelled as gyarados slammed onto the ground sending small ice rocks into the air and the beam clashed into gyarados sending it flying into the wall knocking it out.

"Crap, gyarados return!" He said as he then threw out his newest Pokémon, well temporary Pokémon "Your up Arcanine!" He send sending in the 'Legendary Pokémon' (that's it's literal name in the Pokédex) starting the battle with a "Extreme Speed!" The blindingly speedy charge attack made it go first as it slammed into the flycatcher quickly knocking it out. "Not bad kid. I wonder how you'll far against my strongest Pokémon, Gloom I choose you!" She said throwing in the Weed Pokémon as it let out a terrible smell "Jesus H. Christ! What the fuck is that!" Y/n said covering his nose and mouth as tears prickled in the conners of his eyes with arcanine doing the same "Poison Powder!" "That smell isn't poison powder?! Arcanine dig!"

He said whilst coughing as Arcanine dug under ground dodging he powder "Gloom get ready!" Erika said as Arcanine appeared behind it Catching it off guard "Now flamethrower!" He yelled as the fire beam engulfed the weed pokemon (this is a weed joke) burring it "Now Take Down then Fire Blast!" He said tackling it to the ground and face first blasting fire onto it making it faint. Both trainers returning their Pokémon as they got face to face "Congratulations y/n, as confirmation of your victory i award you the Rainbow badge" she said handing him a flower rainbow as he took it and left "Screw you! And that damn smell!" He said as Erika apologized "Gloom, you really do need to work on that move" she said.

"Arcanine take me to the next gym, right where home sweet home is. Saffron city" y/n said hoping on top of its back and riding to the city"

-The End-

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