Chapter 7:Crowded Gym

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Third Person POV:

As y/n arrived At cerulean city his eyes laid on to the giant water stadium that he instantly recognized as the most likely building for the gym. He walked to the Pokémon center to make sure his Pokémon's were up for battle "Hello! Welcome to the cerulean Pokémon center!" "Uh huh can you check my Mon's to see if their up for the gym battle" he said placing down both of his pokeball's and sliding them to Joy who caught them and nodded "Yes but I must tell you that you'll have to pay to battle them as of now" "Hah?" "Haha 😅 well their currently doing a show and if you want to battle them you'll need to pay 500$ for the gym ticket" She said as y/n glared at her... well at least that's how nurse joy processed his resetting face "Ah- b-but if you win you'll get paid 2,500$ it's a steal really!" She slightly panicked as y/n nodded in acknowledgment as he slid 500$ to her, with the kind nurse taking it and handing him a golden gym ticket as he then watched nurse joy walk away with both his mon's "...what a fuckin era I live in. I need to PAY to FIGHT someone"


"Thank you thank you!!" A feminine voice exclaimed as the crowd yelled out compliments and other random shit "Yes yes! But now it's time for a special event I'm sure your all awaiting for! The GYM BATTLE!!!" The crowd yelled out even more, their combined voices of excitement could've had the potential to shatter the glass in the building as the three females managed to calm down the crowd. "Yes the time has come, and the first leader who the challenger will face is going to be.. LILY!!! WILL THE FIRST CHALLENGER REVEAL THEMSELVES!" The blondie whom seemed to be the ringleader announced has y/n was revealed to be the first challenger walking into the battleground as the crowd cheer lily's name.

Both trainers step onto the battleground "Hello first challenger! What might your name be?" "I'm y/n, and I'm from saffron city" he said taking out a pokeball "and I'm here to win a gym badge, so let's put on a show" he finished throwing out NidoRINO, as lily threw out a starmine "your speaking my language, now dear Audience I need your help! Please count us down starting at 3!!" She yelled as the crowd all let out a loud & excited 'YESS' as they counted down, both trainers glare down each other one with determination and one with a variety of mixed feelings despite their expression "1... 2... 3!!!!!" "STARMIE WATER PULSE" "Nidorino, dodge and use horn attack!" Quickly dodging the attack Nidorino jumped across the ground and shoved its horn into the star fish pokemon "good, now poison jab" as the jab landed Nidorino jumped back but was quickly followed by starmie "Swift!" Multiple stars shot from starmie as Nidorino tanked it and blasted into the ground.

Nidorino got up and shrugged off any pain they felt ready for another move "Flash" "Quick use substitute!" Nidorino, sacrificing 1/3rd of its health created a clone as they were both flashed "Now! Use water pulse!" She commanded as the ball of water landed creating a small smokescreen. The crowd yelled in excitement as the smoke cleared up to revel No pokemon there, everyone besides y/n blinked and let out groans of confusion as Nidorino jumped up from the water "Now! Poison Sting!" As the jab landed starmine countered with a rapid spin as y/n smirked "Use counter!" Doubling the physical attack Nidorino slammed into starmine knocking it out as Nidorino getting tired is returned to its ball as the crowd starts chanting y/n's name for a great battle.

"Not bad kid, is this your first gym?" "Second" "huh, a beginner doesn't usually know to use their environments to their advantages. I'd better not underestimate you" lily said bringing out another ball as she threw out a Dewgong and y/n responses by throwing out his bulbasaur "Yeah, sure" he said as the second battle started "Magical leaf!" The undogable move landed on the seal pokemon as bulbasaur uses its vine whip to blast into the seal and bombard it with multiple vine slaps causing great damage due to the type advantage, but bulbasaur got to carried away as it left its guard down "Aurora beam" lily said as the giant ice beam blasted bulbasaur back into its starting position "Bulbasaur I told you MULTIPLE times not to get carried away!" Y/n scolded it as bulbasaur nodded knowing its mistake "Just don't be stupid next time! Poison powder" "No you don't, Protect" lily said as the powder passes the seal and as the protect faded bulbasaur hit dewgong with a leach seed now sucking its health away and dewgong responded by sending an icicle spear to which bulbasaur tried to dodge but it failed to dodge as it took the spear by the belly.

"Now for my favorite move, water pulse!" She yelled out as the ball attacked but the leach seed managed to save bulbasaur from fainting "Oh really? Well then I had my fun, Aurora beam!" As the beam came closer bulbasaur widened its eyes and was Enveloped in a light blue light as it evolved into an Ivysaur "Bout damn time. Use vine whip" he said but instead of attacking it with the vine whip Ivy used it to propel itself in the air and bash into Dewgong's skull "Skull bash as a ivysaur? Now that's rare" lily said staring in slight shock as ivysaur then landed a point blank bullet seed knocking out the seal Pokémon and giving y/n the win plus a newly evolved Pokémon, it was clearly his lucky day.

The crowd yelled and chatted y/n's name thanking him for a amazing battle as the two trainers walked up to each other as the giant water pool was being closed off by a steel floor which inched the two face-to-face "I gotta hand it to you kid, I'm impressed" "uh-huh, can we skip this whole crap and you hand me my prize money and gym badge" "eh. Fine by me. As proof of your win at the cerulean city gym I award you 2,400$ plus the cascade badge! Congratulations" she said as y/n placed the badge in his case next to the Boulder badge as he tried to leave quickly but he was grabbed and pulled to lily's side a arm around his shoulder as he faced a camera that popped up out of NOWHERE and was forced to take multiple pictures.

Safe to say, y/n was never going to come back to this place.

-The End-

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