Chapter 3: Viridian Escape

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Third Person POV:

Y/n was now in the Pokémon center awaiting for his bulbasaur to fully recover as he laid down on a small couch almost dozing off until a loud BANG! Shot the sleepiness away and he saw officer Jenny with the kid he left in route 1 "oh god" he said wishing he hadn't trained bulbasaur to hell now "we have a driveway you know" "It's a Pokémon emergency." "Please help it!" They yelled as y/n stared in Boredom 'wow, that Thunderbolt really took it out huh?' He thought as he laid back down trying to ignore the banter beside him, but letting a small snort escape him from hearing nurse joy dig into that 'Ash' kid.

"Can't I- Pikachu..." "Jesus shut up!" Y/n yelled as ash jumped and turned to see y/n staring daggers at him "Wha-! HEY! YOUR THAT BOY THAT LEFT ME! WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA?!" Ash yelled quite angry at y/n stomping towards him making y/n get up "Oh so we're talking about idea's now? Then tell me the genius inner workings that your brain cells cooked up, to piss off a FLOCK OF SPARROWS!" He yelled at ash getting up and shoving a finger onto his chest pushing ash back who gained a guilty face yet still held an angry face as well "T-that was an accident!" "Clearly! A ACTUAL trainer would know how to NOT piss off a group of sparrow's" y/n said walking back to the couch and laying down "Your not fit to be a trainer kid. Go back home, and return that pikachu you stole" y/n dug into ash once more as he closed his eyes ignoring anymore of ash's words.


It was now nighttime and Y/n was resting peacefully until he was awoken by another loud BANG! "Oh come on" he growled turning to see a redhead holding a destroyed bike "I knew I'd find you here." "Hey, what happened to your bike?" "What happened to my bike? You happened to my bike, you little loser!" "This is what's left after you stole it
to save your Pokémon." She Yelled at ash as he apologized, y/n rolling his eyes but then smirked when the girl fell on her ass and she rejected ash's help. "Wow ash, your so bad at being a trainer you destroyed a bike as well as hurting your Pokémon. Man just go home kid" y/n said which saddened ash but made the redhead question the situation. "Oh.. if it's that serious then YOU should feel ashamed of yourself for making jokes of the situation!" The redhead pointed at y/n who was picking his ear "Shut up, your louder than a snorlax snoring" he said as it seemed to anger the redhead even more.

"YOU-" "ah-ah-ah, quite down. Your yelling could disturb the Pokémon trying to get healed. And you'd damage them even more by yelling then YOU'D be the villain" y/n said which angered her even more knowing that y/n was right "Y/n, your bulbasaur is fully healed" "Finally!" He said taking the ball from Joy as he walked out "ash, go home. Before you hurt or destroy anything else" y/n said glaring at ash before leaving the city.

-Small TimeSkip-

"Caught ya!" Y/n said grabbing the pokeball as bulbasaur was slightly dancing around "quit dancing, it's time we stop wasting our time with the weakling around here"
y/n said returning bulbasaur to its ball as he turned to see the poke center having smoke escape its roof into the sky's of viridian city "That ash kid is going to get someone killed" he said turning to leave glad he escaped viridian city before he was caught in another one of ash's B.S

-The End-

Bulbasaur— Level 14
???— Level 8

(I wonder who we caught)

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