Chapter 20:Poison Gym

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Third Person POV:

Y/n was now traveling to the outskirts of the town, after getting a few tips he had found out the location of the gym. Walking through the forest and moving branches, and vines out the way "This bullshit is HIGHLY unnecessary" he spat out annoyance in his voice. As he ripped out a vine his eyes landed on a rather big house that seemed more like a dojo "That better be the gym" he said before stoping.. was someone watching him? "...Kadabra, Psychic!" He called quickly throwing out the Psi pokemon to catch the person or thing, however noting came "hmm... Come on" he said as his psychic pokemon followed him, they reached a plank cross over the big cavern below "Dabra?" "No, let's not teleport. My gut tells me this is some sort of trial" "Kadab" they said teleporting to the other side awaiting their trainer watching him cross the plank with perfect accuracy "Kadabra" "I don't think that was a waste of time"

He said as they made their was to the dojo. He walked in to just see a painting of bamboo infront of him "Oh come on, is this place deserted or something?" He said as he leaned on a wall, soon the wall opened making him fall through as kadabra caught him "Shit, thanks bud" "Kadabra" "Yeah, we need to be careful of everything here" he said as kadabra landed him on his feet, a venonat soon come from the side "Venonat!" It said running away "is this another trial or something?"

He said jogging after it, it lead him to another hallway and as he looked down him and Kadabra quickly rolled out the way of a voltorb who was about to shock them "Nice try! This is somewhat fun!" He said chasing after the venonat. Up the stairs they chased and then he saw it was at the end of the hall just standing there, suspicious of this he carefully walked up and then ran into a invisible glass wall "Oh that's just cheap!" "Venonat!" It said running off once more "Kadabra" "Yeah maybe it's another fake wall trick" he said as kadabra found said fake wall "nice one bud"

They walked through it as he then sensed something coming right at him, he quickly ducked under it seeing that it was a bunch of Shurikens and soon followed laughter as a woman with green hair and wearing a pink kimono with red gloves jumped down "Born in darkness, living in darkness, such is the fate of the ninja. I am Aya, ninja warrior" she introduced herself standing up to face the stoic trainer infront of her "tell me did you enjoy my little star trick?" Showing off three shurikens making y/n look back at the shurikens on the wall and back at aya "depends, if they tried to hit one of my vital organs No, if it didn't Yes" he said making aya roll her eyes "This is a training ground, and you didn't let your guard down. You sure you aren't a ninja?"

"No, I'm just here for a gym battle and I stumbled upon this place" "is that so? Then care to have a battle?" She said as venonat came from behind her "is that the same one we were chasing?" Kadabra nodding as the venonat had the same aura with aya only confirming it "This Venonat informed me that a rather clever looking boy almost caught him spying on them" "so I was right" "Indeed, now indulge me in a battle" she said as venonat jumped infront of her and kadabra infront of y/n as the battle started. "Venonat stun spore" "Teleport!" They called as kadabra dodged the spore and appearing infront of the bug-poison pokemon "Now Psychic" he said lifting it into the air and slamming it into the ground then throwing it into the air "Shadow Ball!"

He said timing it perfectly as the shadow ball made its way to it. however it quickly recovered and jumped out of the way "Psybeam!" She said landing the beam onto kadabra as it fell onto it "now leech life!" The bug type move landed which was quite effective "Flash!" He said blinding the Insect pokemon "now shadow ball" as it was blind and its defense fell the ball landed as it knocked out venonat "Return!" She said as y/n smirked slightly, a voltorb then rolled in "Hm?" Before he could reacted it exploded in a smoke bomb making y/n cough and block his eyes and mouth with kadabra following the action.

"You've still got a lot to learn, Aya" a man's voice said as the smoke cleared up revealing a man with grayish real hair and a blue kimono with a red scarf, aya bowed to the man "Honored brother, I have failed" she said as the man looked at y/n "I hear you came for a gym battle" he said awaiting y/n's response which was a simple nod "Very well, I am koga, the Pokémon master of the fuchsia gym" he said as y/n released a breath of relief 'thank Arceus' he said nodding to Koga who threw out his own venonat "We shall have a two on two Pokémon battle young man" "fine by me" y/n said keeping kadabra by his side and throwing out dodrio.

"Venonat, throw your toxic" he said as dodrio's advanced speed managed to dodged them as it ran up to it "agility" y/n said raising its already high speed as it bashed into venonat "Now Drill peck" he said making the bird drill into the insect "Sleep powder" koga said catching dodrio off guard and making it fall asleep "now toxic then use psychic" he said poisoning the bird and then throwing him back awaking it "Dodrio HyperBeam!" From afar it shot the beam to it as it dodged "Double Edge" "Tri Attack!" They said both of them running to each other.

The two Mon's bashed into each other as they clashed for a win, with both of them blasting back and slamming onto the wall. Both trainers just stared at each other hearing both of them get up "Venonat, Psychic" "dodrio agility" he said dodging the attacks and running up to venonat "now TriAttack!" He said slamming into the Nat as it was now on the ground "Now drill peck" he said drilling into it knocking its out, but also making dodrio fainting due to the poison "Return Venonat/Dodrio" they said as they then threw out their next Pokémon "Show yourself, Golbat!/Your up kadabra"

Both Mon's showing themselves "Golbat Wing attack!" "Barrier" he said raising its defense as Golbat came closer "Now Flash!" He said blinding the wide-mouthed bat then attacking with psychic slamming it on the ground "Shadow Ball" "Show your screech attack!" Koga called as the screech alone managed to disperse the ball "Now Toxic" "Teleport" he said dodging the poison attack and appearing behind him "Flash" "Use quick attack to get out of the way" he said dodging the flash and then rushing to kadabra after the blinding light disappeared "Kadabra-" Golbat quickly bashed into kadabra before an Attack could come form kadabra.

"Now your Screech attack" kadabra's defense lowered two stages as it then came in for a wing attack as it approached kadabra reveled a shadow ball with Golbat trying to swerve out the way, the ball getting thrown into it "Now psychic" he said slamming it onto the wall as it struggled to stand "Golbat return" koga said catching y/n off guard slightly "a good trainer knows when they've lost" koga said approaching y/n as he returned kadabra "Y-yeah I just didn't except a gym leader to do that" he said as koga smirked "you were a good opponent, and you managed to pass the trials we laid out for trainers, I would've loved to take you under my wing with aya" he said as he stopped infront of y/n with a smirking aya by his side "Yeah, this one's possibly the smartest one this month"

"Well you were the first gym leader to make one of my Pokémon faint, and you were.. different" "oh? How so?" "Well, most gym leaders I've faced had strong offensive moves to beat challengers. But you used moves like toxic and sleep powder, aya also used psybeam.. so your tactic was to confuse your opponent instead of blatant aggression" he summarized as koga smiled "as I said, I would've loved to have you as a student. You have heard this soul badge" he said rolling a scroll down to revel a heart shaped soul, he grabbed it and placed it in his case bowing to the ninja's as a sign of respect and leaving with a teleportation.

-The End-

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