Chapter Thirty-Two - Traitor

446 11 13

Word Count: 3,718 words. 

Warnings:  Sadness. 

Draco's POV

"I..." Mattheo trailed off, eyes on Felix's dead body on the ground.

I rest my hands against my knees, head shaking back and forth. He was dead. A spell had been shot at us before we could apparate and it had hit him. His life was gone just like that. In a single moment. 

"Fuck," I cursed, running a hand through my hair.

There was a loud thump above us and I turned my gaze upwards to see a blue barrier form around the school. In the distance, I could just make out the shape of the Death Eaters at the top of the hill.

"We have to move," Marcus spoke up, my attention turning back to him. "They'll break that barrier down soon and it'll be all out war."

Theo nodded slowly, eyes fixed on Rosier. "We need to find Lyra, Blaise, Pansy. Make sure they're alright."

Flint turned to look at him, a silent conversation passing between the two. Marcus placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, gesturing away with his head.

I looked at Mattheo again. He was now on his hunkers, looking at the man on the ground. I rushed over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Riddle, we have to go," I told him, doing everything I could not to look at Rosier.

He shook his head. "He's dead."

"Yes," I replied, taking a breath, "he is, but if we stay here much longer, we'll end up the same. Riddle, we have to go."

He was shaking his head still. "Why does everyone have to die?" he asked.

I knew he was talking about Lyra. Felix and Mattheo weren't incredibly close and although I knew his death impacted him, that wasn't what had him scared right now. It was the thoughts of Lyra.

The Slytherin confirmed this when he spoke. "That's going to be her," he muttered, voice cracking. "Draco, that's going to be Lyra."

I sighed. He was telling the truth. Every time I thought about her dying, I felt like my world was about to come crashing down. Lyra had always been there for me. When my father was an abusive asshole and my mother was too scared to stand up to him, Lyra kicked his ass. There was nothing I could do that she would stop loving me for and for that, she had always been the most important person in my life. That was perhaps the biggest thing that Mattheo and I shared. Our world would collapse without Lyra Black.

"Riddle, we have to go," I tried, swallowing unshed tears. "Once Voldemort breaks the barrier, it'll be war and we're standing right in the middle of the battlefield."

He nodded shortly, turning away from Felix. His eyes met mine and I knew that both him and I could see the tears in the other's eyes. "I can't lose her."

I shook my head. "Neither can I," - holding out a hand, I titled my head – "but we have to go."

Mattheo grasped it tightly, rising to his feet. We didn't look back as we rushed from the Courtyard and into the castle.


"Where would they be?" Theo asked as we jogged through the empty halls of Hogwarts. "Blaise and Pansy?"

Flint shook his head. "I assume where everyone else is."

"Which is where?" I posed. "The halls are empty."

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