Chapter Twenty-Seven - The Beginning

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Word Count: 2,801 words. 

Warnings: None. 

By the time we made it back to Hogwarts, my strength had returned. In fact, there was more energy coursing through me that I had felt in months. My hand shook at my side, but I paid little mind to it. I hadn't noticed the shakes and tremors in my body in a while, but they didn't matter anymore. All it was, was a reminder of the inevitable. 

"You're walking too fast Black," Draco complained, hurrying to keep up with me.

I pushed open the doors to the Great Hall, searching left and right for anyone I recognised. "We don't have to time to wait around," I argued.

He shook his head. "What are you talking about? Is this about the Obscurus escaping –"

I turned to face him quickly. "She's out," I explained. "The chains are broken and the defences that I had against her are gone. The curse is teasing me. I can't feel her anymore but she's there. She's biding her time before taking control and once she does... she's going to kill everyone."

"Lyra..." Draco tried. "We'll find something."

I shook my head quickly. "I'm done trying to find something to stop her. Some power that I have over this curse because there isn't. This is it," I paused, letting out a shaking breath. "This is the end."

His mouth opened to speak but no words came out. I could see the tears beginning to form in his eyes and the sadness they held. I knew there was no way to save me. I had always know, but I knew that there were people who had held out hope. Those closest to me.

It didn't matter anymore. Hope didn't matter. I had one job. I had to help Harry win this war. I couldn't let Voldemort win and I couldn't let the Obscurus in before then. Even when she comes for control, I would fight it because the minute she holds all the cards, she'll take everything from me and get everything she wants. It was funny how far people would go just for the chance to live.

"Lyra?" Riddle's voice echoed through the Hall and I turned to find him at the other end of the room. Flint and Nott stood beside him. They began to walk towards the two of us. "We just got back from Malfoy Manor. My father killed... so many people. What's going on?"

I nodded slowly as he rest a hand on my arm. I grasped onto his sleeve tightly. A sharp pain shot through my mind.

"Tic tock," she muttered, her voice so close that it felt as though she hovered above my shoulder.

"Harry got another Horcrux," I told them. "He's getting close and Voldemort's getting pissed off."

"Shit," Marcus cursed, running a hand through his hair. "What do we do?"

I considered it for a moment. "Potter's going to come here. We need to be ready for when he does."

"How do you know that?" Theo asked.

I paused. "A gut feeling."

"Is that blood?" Mattheo asked me, placing a gentle at the side of my neck. "Were your ears bleeding?"

I slowly moved his hand away. "My time is shorter now than it was before. I'm not going to last much longer."

I met his gaze. There it was again. That sadness that I had seen in Draco's eyes. It hurt. More than the pain, more than the aching pain in my body and my heart. That look. The look of pain that I had caused them. It hurt more than this stupid fucking curse.

"Where'd the ring come from?" Marcus asked me, gesturing to the piece of jewellery I had found in the Gringott's Vault.

"The ring," I muttered, turning over my hand to look at it again.

Surviving Fate // Mattheo Riddle ♣️Where stories live. Discover now