Important Authors Note

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Hi,so I'm the author of this story,KrispyKremeKat/ MemesAreLife, but you probably knew that,but anyway I have some things to say.

First of all,thank you all SO much for the support on my story! It means ALOT to me,and is a source of motivation for me to keep writing. So anytime you comment,vote or even just read my story,just know you're doing alot :) <3

Second, so my writing isn't the best, and I'm not a pro,so excuse my bad writing,but I am open to criticism and feedback,as I will not take offense to it and it will help me. Also,if there's ever any grammar or punctuation mistakes in my story, which I know there is,and I'm very sorry about that. I think when I'm done writing the entire book, then I will edit it.

Third,I am currently in a bit of a writers block right now,but I will try and get a new chapter out in a few days,and then begin writing the next one.

Fourth, I know my story is a book,and books usually just have chapters,but I consider my book to have seasons. Let me explain,I mean a certain amount of chapters is 1 season. So the first season is 17 chapters long,which is all the chapters that are out, plus the 1 I'm currently writing. My book will have 3 or 4 seasons, I THINK. I also THINK my book will have around 40 or 50 chapters, but again IM NOT SURE,I JUST THINK SO. So yeah,I estimate that,but I won't know until I writfurther and see how the story turns out. I don't know if I'm going to make a sequel to my book,but I may.

Fifth, I updated my story's description and cover,and they are much better. How do you like then?(They were both done by me)I also updated my profile, how do you like it now?

Sixth,and lastly,I'm thinking of making a like "ship book" which would basically be a book where I write stuff about ships,like headcanons,moments,continuations,different povs,and things like that all about my favorite ships. Let me know if you want that! I might do that, but if I do it will be after I'm done with I Wish It Would Rain. This book would kinda just be for fun,and to write about ships I love,but yeah. Also I love art ,especially drawing,so I am planning on drawing my characters and then sharing my drawings on here!

So anyway just wanted to get those few things out of the way,thanks for coming here and reading this. If you want to ask me anything,feel free to do so in the comments. Byee :) <3

I Wish It Would Rain (Currently Being ReWritten)Where stories live. Discover now