Chapter 15: Context Helps A Lot

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Azemeris's eyes softened as he looked at the female Moonzar who just spoke. He seemed to calm down and from the way they looked at each other, the way they stared into each other's eyes, it was like they were almost mentally communicating with each other.. They understood each other and I could clearly tell they were probably in love.

The female Moonzar must be Azemeris's queen. She must of just called my king and your royal majesty as a joke. She seems like the playful, flirty type. Hm, seems us humans actually have a lot in common with the Moonzar.

Her tail brushed down Azemeris's back lightly, which he seemed to like. The female Moonzar had a smirk plastered on her face, her eyes scanning Azemeris's face as he tried to hide the fact he liked her tail brushing down his back, which seemed to amuse his.. dare I say.. lover?

"Um excuse, you two are really cute and all. But we're getting impatient and you have a lot to explain to us." Jasmine shouted bluntly,fake coughing. We all giggled at her, still being her usual Jasmine self. Azemeris cleared his throat, quickly turning to us, clearly flustered, while the female Moonzar turned grinning at us.

" Oh you two love birds. You're too cute!!" shouted Vaxivian excitedly, also still her usual self. I rolled my eyes, only to have my eyes meet with Kori's. I quickly scanned his face, trying to read his emotions, failing and quickly deflecting my eyes to our friends." They kinda remind me of us babe,haha." Mika tried to whisper to Delon, failing horribly. Mika was always the type of person who could just never actually whisper. I mean we all heard her, turning our heads to them. "Babe?! You guys are dating?!" exclaimed Von. "Wow, I was thinking something was going on between you but dang I for once didn't see that coming!" Said Vaxivian. "I did" Jasmine replied. "Congrats? That's cool, you guys seem.. Good together." I said, not really knowing what to say. "You guys definitely make a good couple." Kori said. Delon and Mika awkwardly stood staring at us. "Thanks.. I guess. It was bound to be revealed eventually." Delon commented.

Drori sighed, shaking her head. "Well I guess you guys do act like Azemeris and his lover over there." she said. We all laughed uncontrollably, Azemeris and his lover just staring at us. "Ok, ok. Guys, shut up. They have more explaining to do." I said, a huge grin on my face. The others stopped as we all looked back up at Azemeris.

Azemeris sighed heavily, which when he did, a huge gust of wind blew down towards us. It was weird but hey alot of weird stuff has happened recently. He noticed and apologized, beginning to speak again. "This is Cira.. My mate and my queen...or my.. lover as you did earlier." he said turning to her, with a sweet smile and a loving look. She smiled back at him gently and turned to look at us. "Nice to meet you. Weird, and not under the best conditions but nice." she said calmy, giving us all warn looks and smiles.

We giggled at her comment and replied that it was nice to meet her too.

"We have alot more to explain to you. I'm sorry I got a bit carried away earlier. It's not your fault that your kind previously did this things. It wasn't even you. My apologies." he said. "It's okay, you can carry on." Drori said. "Yeah it happens. Plus humanity, our kind is bad, so I don't blame you." I added. He began to talk again. "You don't know what Plutolias is, but your kind calls it Pluto. It's a kingdom, planetonial like Moonzaria.. And I also believe you call planetonials, planets. Plutolias was destroyed, which you know. However it didn't just happen. Humans destroyed it."

Oh ok, well now that he said that, things make a lot more sense. Cira began to speak as well.

" When humans destroyed Plutolias, it was out of anger that they ruined your home, Earth. It was their fault, but those stupid humans went to Plutolias, trying to live there, not realizing the Plutoliasians existed. They are like us, they lived inside Pluto. So the humans studied Plutolias and the other planets, making dozens of secret trips. " she explained.

"Wow that's crazy. So then after they studied all that they knew the Plutoliasians existed?" Delon asked. "Overtime, yes. So they one day went to Plutolias, with weapons, ready to attack if needed. They got the Plutoliasians to come out, but neither understood each other. The Plutoliasians were protecting their home, and the humans wanted to just take their home and get rid of the Plutoliasians. This caused a great battle... Which eventually caused Plutolias to explode and cease to exist.. " Cira answered.

" After that, havoc began. The humans  created a war with all the planetonial kingdoms and in doing that, caused the planetonial kingdoms to go to war with each other as well, when they didn't need or want to. They thought war was the right thing. The planetonial kingdoms were damaged alot, and lost alot of their magic, and well the planetonials are beings themselves, so they hurt, and so were the inhabitants of all the planetonials. The humans disguised what was happening, not letting their kind know what they were doing, and so we had to flee from our homes..which were destroyed..Lots of us were killed. "Said Azemeris. This made my heart break.. So many living beings had their homes destroyed, their lives taken and now the remaining ones are here..

" Im so sorry. That is so terrible." I said." That's very tragic, how could they do that to you?! " Vaxivian questioned. "You guys have been through so much." Delon said. "I can't believe humans would go that far.. That's disgusting." Jasmine said. Cira and Azemeris's gazes lowered sadly, as Cira's tail wrapped around Azemeris's, as they seemed to comfort each other, I guess like how we hold hands...

We all were silent, empathetic for them... and irked at what humanity did.." There is nothing we can do now... It happened.. but it was no one here' s fault." the smallest Moonzar said. This was the first time he spoke, he seemed to be young and he spoke with an empathetic but optimistic and determined voice. We all looked at him and agreed. He was right.. The past is the past... But now maybe we can help the Moonzar and they can help us.. Maybe we can fix our ancestors dirty mistakes..

....."Oh I'm Ziol by the way! I'm the son of these two absolute love birds right here! Gosh I mean how are they so flirty and flustered and all when they're married with a kid haha!" He said,his bubbly laugh filling the air. A very interesting family indeed."Nice to meet you." We all replied. "You're so right about your parents though,they're like a couple from a rom-com!" Vaxivian said. We all giggled at the thought, even Azermeris and Cira themselves.

At least we have some happiness now...we don't know what awaits us now...

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