Chapter 6:Discoveries

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We decide to go the Hunters Federations HQ. It looked big and cool from the pictures I looked at the pictures showing the inside, and there were sooo many rooms with "Off-limits" or "Staff only" signs. Kori was very quiet and was hesitant to go. I was sitting in the front with him. I turned back to see the others talking and I turned back, to face Kori.

"Hey, you ok Kori?"
"Oh yea I'm fine. It's just a bit weird, this whole situation... And, uh.. You know I just think we should be careful, we don't know where those m---mysterious people went.."
"Me too honestly. But don't worry, we'll hopefully be fine. It seems to just be us on this island.." I reached out and nervously grabbed his hand, forcing out a faint nervous smile.

"Oh I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I'm just-"
"No, no it's fine. Thanks actually. You were just comforting me, Rasmi."
"Oh yeah, it's a nickname. Short for Rasmiona, it's like the first few letters. Cute right?"
"Uh.. Uh, yeah. Thanks... For the nickname it's cool."
"I was joking about the" cute right? " part, that's how you and Vax always talk."
"Haha yeah. How did you come up with the nickname though?"
"Oh, well I just was thinking about it and about you, and I thought Rasmi fits you."

I turned to my backpack next to me, and toke out my diary.

Dear Diary Therapist
I-well--I don't know how to say it, but gosh today has been a heck of a day. My friends and I got abandoned and nobody else seems to be here. We saw something horrific happen and there was so much of drama. We saw these weird people that had like black, silver and white bodysuits, with hooded capes and cool masks and accessories.

We are trying to figure out what the heck happened. Oh and Kori and I were talking... He said he came up with a nickname for me, and it's Rasmi.

Anyway I don't know what the heck we're going to do, right now we're on our way to the Hunters Federation's HQ. I'm so tired. I don't know how the pineapple, Vaxivian, is so energetic. I call her pineapple because she's blonde and has green eyes and clear glasses, and she's really tall. I call Von, gingerbread man, because he has ginger hair and freckles, and an eyebrow piercing. I call Delon, Volleyball because his hair is always in a manbun, and he loves volleyball, and I call Mika MythoMika or MM, because she loves mythology, and I call Kori The Ocean Knight, because of his ocean blue eyes and because of his dreads and and things he looks like a warrior, an epic 'dark knight' hehe, because he's black... OK I'm not funny..

I wonder why Kori keeps half of his face covered by his dark brown dreads.. It probably isn't intentional. Jasmine has black hair, which she keeps in a high ponytail, but she dyed half of her hair purple,so I call her Rockstar, because she looks like one, and she isn't afraid to 'sing' to voice her opinions. Drori also has blonde hair, but her's is really curly, and she has light brown eyes, so I call her noodles. My friends call me a nut, because I have chestnut colour hair, and hazel eyes,get it hazel like hazelnut..

Anyway I need to go, we're almost there.

Today is so cold, this stupid uniform isn't warm enough. Ugh, I should have changed earlier. Gosh  what if we run out of food and water and stuff after some time... What if we're just left here to die, or if we get left here for years?!

Oh we're here. "Time to explore." I said. We got out of the van and walked towards the huge building. "Woah." All of us, except Kori, said. The building was covered in blues and greys. It looked so cool. I stared in awe. It was honestly mesmerizing to look at. "This place looks cool and all, but like can we actually do what we came here for?" Jasmine said bluntly. "Yeah she's right." we all agreed. We looked around and it seemed pretty normal. There wasn't anything useful or anyone and we couldn't get into the staff only rooms either.

"Did you guys hear that?" I asked.
"That noise?" Kori asked.
"Nooo, that episode of One Piece playing. Obviously that noise!" Delon said, as sarcastic as usual. Oh and also that thing, anime, there's still one ongoing and apparently it started like a century or something ago , it's called One Piece.

"What was that?" Vaxivian and Von asked.
"We shouldn't check that out, like at all, we shouldn't." Drori commented.
"Yeah she right!" Kori and I said. We decide to go hide behind this huge container thing and then we heard a door open. We tried to stay quiet as we heard the door then close and get locked. We all stared at each other, but when I looked for Kori, he wasn't next to me anymore.

I carefully moved to look for him, hoping there wasn't a creepy monster that came that door standing right there. I slowly walked over and peeked around. I saw Kori, standing by another container, with something I couldn't make out in his hand and he was about to move forward. I looked around and didn't see anyone or anything, so I lightly knocked on the container, getting Kori's attention. He looked at me with wide eyes, as if he didn't expect me to notice he was gone. He sighed and quickly ran back. "What the heck do you think you're doing?!" he whispered angrily. "I could ask you the same!" I whispered back. The others were also staring at Kori.

His lips parted as he as about to say something, when we heard another weird noise. We quieten
quieted down and we all still stared at him. We heard the front entrance open and close,and we all immediately turned to Kori. "Okay, look. I was ... Uh.... Just trying to see if it... was Ms. Jerophene, she's part of the Hunters Federation and she works here.. She's a friend... I thought it might be her, and she could help... And if it wasn't I could knock the person out, and we could interrogate them.. He said sounding unsure.

"But that was really stupid." Jasmine said.
"Yeah and what if it was one of those psychos with the capes and bodysuits and masks and hoodies?!" I said. "I, know it was stupid, sorry. It won't happen again.." Kori, said,looking down guiltily. We all agreed it was fine and we decided to get the heck out of there. We all know Ms. Jerophene, she was a quiet but nice person, and she worked at the Hunters Fedaratuon, so obviously we knew her.

Still, I wondered who the heck that actually was. When we got outside the front entrance I noticed something weird on the ground, bending down with curiosity to see what it was. It was a piece cape, the same cape as the ones those weird people were wearing. It had a symbol on it, it was a moon and stars and had 00:00 on it. Midnight? I thought. I told the others and I said "What if that's the name of the company or group or cult ot whatever the heck they are. Something to do with midnight or night maybe..."

We got back in the van and we were about to leave, when Drori said "Wait, what if we stay here, but hide and we wait and then if that person comes back, we can see who it is." It was a smart idea, and we all agreed. Kori turned on the TechnoControl, moving the van forward, to go behind a little house. We waited and for hours there was no one." Let's leave. "Kori suggested." I think we should wait just a little more. "I said in response.

We waited and after 10 minutes saw a strange figure, walking towards the front entrance, looking around to make sure no one was there to see them. They wore the same clothes as the other weirdos, but this person had a different mask. It was more colorful, and was like a masquerade mask, while the others had ones like theater masks. We couldn't make out whether they were a male or a female though. We watched as they stood outside for a little bit, before heading inside. We heard alot of loud thuds and bangs.

We carefully got out of the van and silently approached the building. We entered it and cautiously searched for the person. There was a loud bang and when we all turned around, there the mysterious person stood, with Kori in a neck hold.

"No, Kori!" I shouted. The figure stood there, menacingly silent, just inquisitively tilting their head. Kori was struggling to get out of their hold, but it was no use.

"Who are you?!" Vaxivian questioned.
"And what do you want from us?!" Von demanded.
"........ I am not here for you. You are mere... distractions in a bigger plan. I don't need to hurt you." the figure stated in a very high pitch voice.
Delon and Mika started laughing so hard. "Wow, what a high pitched voice, for a high bit-" "Woah woah woah, no swearing Jasmine!" "Von and Jasmine shut up!" Drori said.

"Let Kori go then." I said. The figure was about to say something, when we heard a series of weird noises coming from the locked doors and above us,sounding like there was something or someone in the vents. I looked up, confused and I saw a small dent. Then I saw something punch the dent making it bigger. I stumbled back, wondering what the heck is doing that while all the possibilities were screaming at me in my head.

Panic, curiosity and  confusion fought for dominance in my head. Before I knew, something big came crashing down from the vents, sending us and all the containers flying. The mysterious creature let out a loud growl, causing my eyes to shift to it's shadow on the floor. It's big, bold shadow showed it was shaped very weirdly, not at all human. I slowly twisted my head, which I deep down thought was going to get snapped off, and caught a glimpse of the thing.

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