Chapter 17:Newfound Knowledge

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It's sunk in that we actually still were doomed,because I thought we weren't because the Moonzar were on our side,but the other seven planetonial kingdoms have inhabitants and one of them was literally right there about to attack us...

What were they called anyway?The inhabitants, like each planetonial kingdoms inhabitants has a specific name ,but isn't there a name that can be used to refer to all?

Anyway well I mean ,we stood around talking and listening to explanations for reallyyyyyy long and it was get tiring and I was getting bored...I mean I hate having to read or listen to explanations...but they are unfortunately important and are needed...but I don't think I need any more!

And there's probably not time for any more right now...

The .....what I assumed were Marsonians, judging by their fiery,fierce appearance and personality..they had bright skin that glowed like flames and they all had just four limbs...and really long tails...but they didn't have horns..they had spiky,pointy,long ears.

I looked between Azemeris, Cira and Ziol,then to who I assumed were the Marsonians, studying their differences. They were smaller than the Moonzar,they didn't have horns and instead had ears,and they had the normal amount of limbs and eyes,and reallyyyy long tails...I looked closely and realized that in the Moonzar's eyes,their pupils were the moon..oh I mean Moonzaria...I'm still not entirely used to these big words and names..

And so I looked at the possible Marsonians, looking at their pupils,and when they looked like Marsonia ,my theory was's cool and weird how their pupils are like that,and I don't know how I didn't notice sooner...I have a habit of overthinking, overanalysing and well just observing everything I've always been like that...I would be a great detective!

Gosh why do I think of the most stupid and random things at the worst of times?! There might be a full on battle ,and we might die and I'm out here thinking about these silly things!

The others and I looked up hopefully at Azemeris,Cira and Ziol hoping these strong and powerful Moonzari could protect us from the Marsonians. They looked down at us,realizing why we looked up at them,turning and using their giant tails to shield and protect us.

They stood with a battle stance,growling as they made eye contact with the Marsonians, the tension growing like a wild fire. "We don't have to do this. Violence isn't the answer to everything. Violence is the whole reason we lost our homes and fellow friends and families!" Azemeris stated sternly. "Oh really?! The humans were the reason we lost so much!" One of the Marsonians spat back.

He scanned around angrily,spotting us. "YOU'RE SERIOUSLY PROTECTING THE HUMANS?!" he screamed angrily. "These are not the same humans who ruined everything and started the war,those were their ancestors!" Ziol growled back. "Indeed. These humans are innocent and are not like the others!" Cira added.

"Oh wait! Why the heck did I say that?! I actually wanted to battle you stupid Marsonians and kick your tail holders! I haven't been able to do my usual battle training or gladiator fights in so long! Plus beating you ,would be so much better than just fighting or beating anyone!" Cira continued,annoyed at first,bit then with a smirk. Everyone stared blankly and silently at her.

"Cira not the time. I agree it would be rewarding beating the arrogant,violent and dense Marsonians, but please watch what you say. " Azemeris finally said with a sigh,while Ziol shook his head with a grin. I couldn't help but giggle. It's cool that Cira is into fighting,I bet she's good at it too!

Oh and it seems like they despise the Marsonians. They described them as arrogant,violent and dense. Seems like they fit that description though.

The Marsonians had angered looks on their faces,letting out aggressive snarls. They suddenly got into battle stances,as if ready to pounce.

The others and I panicked,trying to alert our Moonzari protectors ...well they're not our protectors, but hopefully they will protect us..they have to..otherwise we're probably going to die soon. Not that I would mind..

"YOU DARE DISRESPECT US?!" One of the Marsonians shouted,leaping forward at Cira. She calmly caught her with her hands,then transferred her to her tail,spinning her around,and then violently throwing her. She's good. I knew it!

The other two Marsonians shared a glance,a scared one at that,but trying to act brave,they put on a mean face and got ready to attack. They tried....and failed...miserably.

One aimed for Azemeris, who caught him..with his mouth,biting him,before viciously throwing him away. The other aimed at Ziol,who hit him straight away,walked over to him as he layed on the floor, scratched him as he tried to fight back and threw him again.

The Marsonians all layed on the floor,in a pile on top of eachother defeated. I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding in. Vaxivian and Von celebrated,screaming happily. The others smiled or giggled. I joined them,realizing that hey,if these were the ones who would be protecting us,then we'll definitely be fine!

......unless we come across the Sunodians..then we're screwed..but let's just hope that never happens! Or actually I kind of do,because if I! But I wouldn't want my friends to's a 50 / 50.

Azemeris, Cira and Ziol stood together in a circle around the Marsonians, as they began to recite something: Zoar soi lo nam jiu was kanio yit ro kamiop . Sounded like absolute gibberish to me.

Then,something coop and disturbing at the same time happened..the bodies of the Marsonians began to turn to rock.... they each sighed or barely let out a screech,as if they weren't able to they disintegrated into dust,then forming into a rock..that looked like Marsonia..

Azemeris,Cira and Ziol stood there,their horns and eyes glowing, a bright light shining from the rock as well. I stood there shocked. What were they doing? The others were also in utter disbelief, their smiles faded,as the mood went from a happy victory celebration to a disturbed,shocked silence.

All three of the Marsonians bent down,putting their horns towards the rock. They touched it ...and it disappeared.

They closed their eyes for a few seconds before standing up again ,turning around to look at us. "What the heck was that?!" I questioned,creeped out.

They saw the distraught looks on our faces and began to explain..oh my gosh more boring explanations!

"This is a common practice, we do,to get rid of the bodies of our enemies. It increases our power and energy, gets rid of their bodies and these Roraliam..which look like rocks of the planetonial kingdom of our enemies, help us to get closer to finding the Roralia Treasures Scroll. " Cira explained quickly.

"Oh,well it's still insane disturbing to watch." Mika said.
"Eh those stupid Marsonians deserved it." Jasmine said with a grin.

"So what do we do now?" Kori questioned.
"What do you mean?" Vaxivian asked.
"Yeah,we're going to go back into our hangout house an-" Von said,stopping. We all realized our hangout house was destroyed when they were fighting..

"Well we did agree earlier we were going to go somewhere else anyway.." Delon said.

"Oh so sorry. It's fine though,you'll be fine with us." Cira said with a gentle smile.

These creatures were so beautiful and scary and mesmerizing at the same time.

"Maybe we can just live in our van?" Vaxivian said unsure. "You do know you don't need that? You can hop on us and you'll be fine. " Ziol said. I just realized earlier I don't know why but I thought there were so many Moonzari, like I thought there 7 or 8 or something,yet in reality it was 3.

We slowly got onto the Moonzari. Delon,Mika and Jasmine got on Azemeris,while Vaxivian and Von got on Ziol,and I immediately went on to Cira. I thought I would get to be alone,but of course Kori was already on her before me,and I hadn't noticed.

I layed down on her body,a decent amount away from her wing,and Kori was up on her head by her horns.

We all settled on and the Moonzari began to fly. "Wait where are we going?!" Vaxivian screamed,louder than she needed to. "Well there's a specific place we're looking for,run by some people who we're looking for,but it's a long story." Cira said. We all accepted that and they began to fly.

I immediately sat up,at first it felt weird,but then I got used to it quickly,and it felt magical and cool. I enjoyed it giggling . I layed down again,closing my eyes,enjoying the experience, before getting out my diary to write in it.

I Wish It Would Rain (Currently Being ReWritten)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon