My brows furred, a chance with what?

"What are you tal-" my question was cut short by my math teacher.

I guess I'll ask him later


"Taliah! Taliah!" A girl screamed.

Nobody cared because they were on their way home.

"Oh, thank goodness I found you! Matteo told me what happen! Are you okay? I didn't mean for you to get lost." Harlow explained while out of breath.

I smiled at her concern.

"It's okay, I'm okay. The guy didn't do anything to me," I explained.

She hugged me and kept explaining how sorry she was.

We caught up for a bit and I found out she got that random guy's number from the party.

She said he was "major hot" and "a show stopper" whatever that meant.

The girl is kind of crazy but in a good way. I think.

After we talked I went to Aces car and explained to them that I was going with Harlow aka River to go shopping.

"Did you ask Roman?" Ace questioned suspiciously.

"No.. but I can text him right now," I said.

I pulled out my phone and asked Roman if I could go shopping with Harlow.

He replied 'yes, but be careful and have your location on your phone' a few minutes later.

"He said yeah," I told the three boys.

"Okay, but be careful. And call us if anything happens. Do you have money? No? Okay here's two hundred call me if you need more oh and please have your location on Taliah. Make sure you-" I cut Ace's long rant short.

"Okay, okay. I got it to call you if anything happens. I'll call you if I scrape my knee okay?" I patted Ace's head.

He rolled his eyes and kissed my head. Matteo and Asher did the same.

I waited till they drove off and went to the front of the school to see where River was.

He was leaning on an all-black Mercedes-AMG GT coupe.

My eyes lit up in amazement.

I sped walked to him and his car and smiled.

"Your car is beautiful." I gushed.

"Thanks. I thought she was beautiful the first time I laid eyes on her." He responded. He tapped the car but held eye contact with me.

I chuckled nervously, "can we stop by the mall? I don't want to wear my uniform all day." I asked.

River muttered a yep and went to the passenger door to hold it open for me.

"Thanks," I whispered.

River went to the other side and started the car.

"Seatbelt." He said lowly.

"Oh right," I smiled.

I buckled up and off we were.

"I thought you had a motorcycle?" I asked.

"I do." He responded.

"Why didn't you drive it? Not that I'm complaining or anything. I'm just wondering." I said.

"I don't know. Guess, I didn't feel like living on the edge today." He responded.

We rode in comfortable silence to the mall.

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