Story 2

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Two days ago,me and JJ were high and drunk and we hooked up. It wasn't supposed to happened but it have.I don't remember a thing from last night exept that we were on the beach together and know. Is it gonna be weird after that party ? I mean it was just because we were drunk...right ?

When I wake up on the couch at John b's I'm still hangover from last night.John b is in the kitchen with Sarah,pope is asleep outside on the couch,and JJ is in the bedroom with some girl I don't really care he can do whatever he want. I get up of my bed and my head start to turn and I'm feeling nauseous.
I run to the bathroom and trow up before John b come to me and take my hairs back.
"Omg kie are you okay ?"
"Yeah,probably just hangover from last night"
"But you didn't drink..." he said worry
I laugh sarcastically
"Yes of course I drank John b,I- I remember I..."
It's true,I didn't drank last light I only smoke.
"It's probably just because I smoke too much yesterday don't worry about m-"
I was trowing up again but harder this time.
Sarah run to the bathroom and push John b off the room and take my hair.
"What is happening kiara ?"
She caress my back gently and then when I feel a little better we stay silent a minute,she's looking at me with a interrogator look.
"Did you thought of getting a pregnancy test?" She ask seriously
I laugh again
"Wait,Sar are you really serious?"
"Yes it can be a possibility I mean,it happened with me and John b and we just made the verification it doesn't mean you're...pregnant."
"Sar,Im not pregnant I didn't do anything for-"
Oh oh
I put my head in my hand
"Sarah close the door"
"Close the door,please!"
I'm starting to tearing up when she finally close the door
"Tell me kie,I know something bothering you I know you"
She put her hand on my knee
"I was kinda drunk at the party 2 days ago, I kinda hooked up with um JJ"
"WAIT WHAT ?" She scream
I put my hand on her mouth
"Shut the fuck up !"
"Like THE JJ maybank ?? Like the JJ maybank who hook up with all of the town and smoke weed everyday ??" Sarah say and smile
"Damn kie you go girl!" She try to high-five me but I'm still serious
"And you think you're..."
"Well I didn't thought about it until you put me the idea in my head Sarah!"i continue:
"Now go to the store and buy me you know what!"
I push her of the bathroom and cry a little before going out of the bathroom
There he is,in front of me
"Yo kie! How you doing?"
I roll my eyes

A little later we are all in the living room except Sarah who left an hour ago. I see her getting off her bike with her school bag.Thank go she put it in her bag.
"I got it kie!" But her smile fade when she see JJ and the other boys next to me in the living room.
"You got what?" JJ say innocently
"'s uh kie's science she left it in my room"
"Nice,I have to go to Kyla's see you guys later for the party"
And just like that he left.
Sarah make me a sign to go to the bathroom and we close the door. We take a deep breathe
"My science book ? Seriously? It's Sunday!"
We laugh a little and then she give me the test
"Do you want me to stay here or?" She ask with a sad smile
I hug her and she hug me back
"Thank you Sarah I love you"
"I love you too kie"
"Now do your test so we can stop freaking out"she laugh

A little later we are waiting for the test to answer to my biggest fear.
"So what does it say?"
"Sarah it's been 30 seconds relax we used protection anyway,I think..."
"Omg kiara..."
We are both waiting now it's been 2 minutes and Sarah ask me to check it.
"No...I don't want to...I-" I cry and it turn into a breakdown.
"Hey you're gonna be okay kie okay,no matter what is on the test we're gonna support you okay,I'm gonna support you"
We hug and then I take the test and look at it.
"So what does it say?" Sarah ask worry

"I'm pregnant"

HEY ! Don't worry it will have a part 2 I just cut the story in two part so it's smalls chapter I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you soon !

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